Once again I spoke to a man from UPS about holding the package and once again he pointed out to me there was a $7.99 feet. I pointed out to him that it was easier not to have to load the truck up with the item and deliver it then to leave it there at the depot to be picked up. Now I could be wrong about all that comment might not be. Might not be easier because the truck arrives on a truck and then from there is sent out for deliveries as opposed to arriving being unloaded and reloaded. Assuming it is the latter, the thing is this, businesses don’t necessarily think 1st and foremost with regard to what is easiest for them or their employees [provided it doesn’t cost money or too much money]. They think profits. I would be more inclined to believe that the thinking with regard to a company such as UPS is not so much a matter whether it’s easier or harder, But that they’re thinking is “we’re already doing this for free so why don’t we just start charging a fee?” Corporate America more and more wants to get rid of the old fashioned courtesies and start charging for every little thing. Remember air at the gas station or at the convenience store that was free, that’s now being charged 75 cents or a dollar. Money money money and we go ahead and continue to give these cheap a** businesses our business so why should they continue on any other course than the one they’re on? I mean if you didn’t have a conscience and nobody was doing anything to really stop you from this tirade of greed -what would you do?

JESUS speaks of satan being divided among himself or between himself. The consequences of such an action. But what are we in this great country of ours -if not divided? Think about it 🤔

If you wish to understand a country put an honest man or woman at the head of any particular seat of power come and see how long they are allowed to hold that position.

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