The importance of survival and comfort have always been man’s weakness in his development of spiritual character. And in this country we seem to be increasing the importance of survival and comfort rather than decreasing it. Increasing man’s weakness rather than decreasing it. As the hours tick away, what won’t people eventually do for money as as displayed on our televisions. People are doing sillier and stupider things for payment.

How much more blood, and skin must we continue to reveal on the silver screen to qualify it as entertaining?

Once you’ve ascended the top of the mountain, the view from below is never the same.

For some people being asked to give up their dreams, lifelong aspirations is asking the impossible. I am perhaps one of those people. The thought of it brings deep despair.

It’s a sin to tempt others. It’s not a sin to be tempted. It is a sin to give in the temptation. So with regard to the Hollywood scene, and those of us being pulled into their product, who are the sinners and who are not the sinners? You see the same blueprint over and over again with these movies; lavish lifestyles; women supposedly beautiful… And everything is a message, “You can have this if you are only willing to do that”…

Some people anticipate while others do nothing of the sort. The experience nothing up until the time they actually experience the event itself.

If there truly is no GOD, and the best this universe has to offer is the people in power running this planet…?????? It’s enough to drive a person to believe in a God that doesn’t exist!!!!!

Every show on television that that insinuates the supernatural, to include GOD’S existence, ends with a (?) In every case! If the supernatural does in fact exist, they’re not letting us in on it. It’s no secret, or so the rumor goes, That if GOD were suddenly proven to exist [AS IF THERE WASN’T ENOUGH ALREADY], that the people in charge, WOULD TUMBLE FROM THEIR THRONES!

Certain parts of this country don’t seem to be the least bit interested in tradition. They appear hell bent on stamping it out. If you look at history throughout…

Man has demonstrated time and time again hes disdained for his fellow man. When he finds a way to survive without without having to rely on his fellow man [certain people] he tends to do so. If you look at the history between man and woman it is not pretty. I suspect that women have a certain ilk, looking at this history, when and if someday they can figure out how to live without man will do so -we already see such efforts cropping up.

The United States is either mixed up or it’s trying very hard to prove against God’s creation, that we are all the same. That men and men and women and women can feel the same rolls as a man and a woman. That men and women can exchange rolls and fulfill them equally. Nonsense. F’n man!

Don’t cause problems, don’t add to problems, br a problem Solver. It’s a simple formula with vast, far reaching implications. Probably the vastest.

One of life’s greatest ironies -GOD is everywhere, and yet so of us feel they have all around them of HIS lack of existence.

We claim to love our children and yet the majority of parents in one fashion or another demonstrate to their children and pass on to their children evil behavior. Wrong doing. Besides God, the greatest gift a parent can pass on to their child is right doing – The worst thing that a parent can pass on to their child besides negating God’s existence, is wrong doing!

β€’Everyone must choose, this is an inescapable reality on this plane.

β€’In addition, life has two sides [joy and all it’s accompaniments; sorrow and all it’s…], and we are caught in the middle. Therefore life is a balance; Any attempt to veer too far to one side or the other, will result in… Well what happens over time when something is out of balance?

What is a 5 year old child doing in a waiting room at the hospital next to their mother staring at a cell phone in their hands? They should be enjoying God’s splendor not man’s at that age! If this isn’t brain washing at the earliest age -I don’t know what it is? FOOLISH! We are trying to fuse man with [his] technology rather than with GOD! So that man may capitalize on his fellow. MAN -THE INDOMINABLE ADVANTAGE SEEKER. He believes that if he can only gain enough advantage in the world, he will escape [minimize] the consequences of being thrown out of paradise [existing outside of paradise].

You can get away with “X” in your friendships and your relationships and your interactions with people as long as you have “Y” in there as part of the recipe or mix -otherwise… Additionally, women can get away with things that men cannot. Old people can get away with things that middle aged and young people cannot. It’s quite an interesting series of things that work and don’t work depending upon… Human beings [sighs].

Some people really think there something, and the fact that they think so negates the potential of being so!

After we got booted out of paradise it became necessary to develop and apply survival skills. Through this process we begin to recapture some of the grace, some of the character man refuted. But now we see people attempting to eliminate the need for these skills, for this action -and along with it what do you suppose goes out the door with it? You can’t cheat the reality of what has come to pass. What is required of us as a consequence. You can’t create paradise outside of paradise without consequences.

If a person has to tell you how to conduct yourself in a relationship… πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ€·πŸ½β€β™€οΈπŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈπŸ€·πŸΎβ€β™‚οΈ

So who creates all these new words in our society? “False-flag” -really?

Anything or anyone which spends more of its time manufacturing problems rather than solutions -such as the human species.. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ€·πŸ½β€β™€οΈπŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈπŸ€·πŸΎβ€β™‚οΈ Manufacturing problems faster than they can manufacture solutions… I was told many years ago by a man, you must like pain Richard. I can only assume that this is the case with much of humanity based upon what they bring into their own existence and into the existence of the world itself. Many of us sure’s hell aren’t bringing in harmony and peace. You think that by remaining largely neutral you are promoting harmony and peace?

Some people reason with one thing in mind and 1 thing in mind only; THAT THEIR STATE OF MIND, THEIR EGOS REMAIN UNPERTURBED! Now we both know that reality oftentimes does not afford us such a luxury. These are the people detached from reality because they refuse to recognize it!

Life is like the broadside of a barn, and yes it is amazing how many people can’t seem to hit it – Unless of course you consider the people who do not want people hitting it -because it is a threat to their own power, status, livelihood, and so forth

Life grows tiresome with a year at the top or at the bottom. Just ask some actors.

Once a person has been given what they want they tend to become attached calm this is particularly true of women -they can’t help it. And in many cases, their internal metric tells them that this is the appropriate response when given what they want. On the other hand, when they’re not given what they want, when they receive or pick up on something unfavorable, their internal metric says to repel or get away from.Is it really that basic? Sadly yes. As complicated as human beings can be, there’s also a very basic, primordial core to them.

A man, or woman, say in the 90th percentile regarding what your typical potential partner is looking for [barring of course any tactical means used in order to fend said potential partners off]; They don’t have a partner, because they don’t want one. Barring self will, a peculiar or defiant self will in fact, human beings have a tendency to be as bees to honey.

In order to do some good, one must 1st rise above certain…

Knowing the outcome beforehand is no excuse for failing to give it your very best, for doing what seems the best and most logical course of action [P.O.T.M-G.]

I’m not comfortable with my Holy Bible app throwing in commercials with women used to entice advertisements in between. Where does man’s hypocrisy end?

Women are easy common in fact you could argue that most of humanity is easy most of humanity is easy, all you have to do is give them what they want. They’re giving them what their need is a different story entirely, and oddly enough. A MAN[GOD[ 2000 years ago tried giving people what they needed as opposed to what they wanted -and that didn’t go over so well! So it would only make sense that giving them what they want will bring about the opposite response [But it’s not a full proof since even in the case 2000 years ago, giving people what they wanted garnered mixed results, albeit the morr positive responses were essentially in the minority -so, you can expect a similar [inverse] correlation when giving them what they want, like, favor… I believe.