The people who tend to take issue most with what I have to say in meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous appear to be ran there to be rain primarily off of ego. And unfortunately, they also tend to be the one speaking out the loudest, most.often. On the other hand, perhaps even the more humble of people don’t agree either -they simply have a tend[dec]ency to keep their opinions to themselves 🤷‍♂️

I started thinking about my Aunt and Uncle:

•My Uncle isn’t nearly as smart as me and hes 10 times as successful [envy, ego -probably];

•If my aunt’s unhappy and ungrateful living in the big house that she’s living in what would she do if she were living in a little cramped apartment like me;

•Did God give her all these comforts… in lew of the unhappiness she would suffer throughout her life;

•How did these people come to live in such a beautiful home in such a nice neighborhood; and how is it that I’ve come to live in the predicament that I am in;

•And lastly, thinking about my aunt calculating how much her house is worth yeah yeah, being annoyed at the notion that her house is worthless according to the realtors than what she would have liked it to be, they didn’t pay anything for that house. They bought a house in Daly City in the fifties for $19,000, Is solved in 1977, for 70-some-thousand, Got there $19,000 back [roughly] and bought a home here in a beautiful part of town that still had sand for streets where the desert was being renovated as a new housing development with a gorgeous view of the mountains. They picked a lousy time to move out of California but they picked a great time to move back to New Mexico. I lived with these folks the year after they bought their new home. They had it built especially for themselves, That’s how sweet the whole situation was. But when I moved in with them for a year they were anything but generous, humble, welcoming in their new found fortune. PEOPLE!

I was reading some comments on the song “Shout” by Tears for Fears. But if the world is going in one direction by its leaders, and the followers prefer it going a different direction… In general, people tend to want things their way. So with regard to people with leadership tendencies, which direction do you think the world is going to go in. With regard to followers, which direction do you think the world is going to go in? Lololololololol If you want the world to go in your direction -you have to become a leader. Obviously most of the world has chosen another tact. I had stated early on that a person who rarely rarely shows up to their own store; begins to lose impact on what that store looks like and how it is ran. The people you are paying to actually run the store begin to begin to make that store take shape like themselves; their own ideals and beliefs [for better, for worse]; That’s just the way it is in most cases as the typical human being tends to be a blend of benigness ignorance, mali[“s” error]ciousness, and indifference. The “big 4”.

Christianity is founded upon, among other things, concern [love] for others. In many instances even above one’s own welfare. Do you suppose that is what’s tearing our world apart -CONCERN FOR THE WELFARE OF OTHERS, IN MANY INSTANCES EVEN ABOVE OUR OWN?

I’ve heard it said there’s a lot of money to be made in times of war. Biden’s already telling us how much the American taxpayer is going to suffer financially if things get worse between the Ukrainian’s and Russians. Oh, and how much his presidency will suffer as a consequence. So tell me, how many presidents really ever suffered aside from being shot??? And they’ll give you some bullshit explanation about the unavoidable consequence regarding rising gas costs and other things. Uhuh, and I suppose becoming filthy rich during times of war is also an unavoidable consequence AY -LIARS!!!!! THIEVES!!!!!

When more of you wants [needs] X than [wants] Y, and there is a conflict, you tend to end up with X or neither. No matter how badly you want Y. Honestly, as bad as I wanted a relationship all my life, I needed something else more which prevented me from making one work. Ask certain men and I’ll tell you that women are fairly easy. If you know what you’re doing. It wouldn’t be very hard for me to know what to do given my intellect, my years on this planet – problem is it’s not the most important thing on my agenda. What is gas a profound, overwhelming impact on what I want very badly. And the fact of the matter is that the town I live in is dumb livin has done little to dissuade my attitude in that regard. Speaking of the Y not the X.

I am guessing that no matter how traumatized a person is it’s, whatever reasons the world has given them not to trusted, they’re placed in an environment where they finally feel safe, yeah I’m a they’re defense mechanisms will subside largely in that environment. My problem in relationships where my defense mechanisms in mechanisms shot through the ceiling is that I never felt safe – And looking back calm of the people I was involved with never seemed overwhelming interested in my feeling safe. 🤷‍♂️ For many people feeling safe is the other person’s issue or responsibility not theirs.

Judging people is a waste of time. Last of all, I don’t have the actual power to condemn anyways -so what’s the point?

You use whatever power you have in any given situation -thus avoiding the victim role. Obviously in most cases victims have more power than they apply or utilize.

We don’t contribute to the problem even among problematic people. Think good and hard about that concept. And think about just how many times you or I have contributed to the problem. Some of us even creating the problem. Now step back and try and ponder this new approach.

Some people like people who make things easier for them in certain areas and some people like people who make things harder for them in certain areas.

God gives us free will and many of us take full advantage of it insert in areas while not taking enough of it another area is -but that’s another issue. Again, God gives us free will and in many instances we take full advantage of its, but when other people do the same we complain because God doesn’t intervene [on our behalf]. HUMANS [WE OFTEN WANT IT BOTH WAYS].

When people are making a living off of things that we should be trying to eliminate from the human experience, it sets up a conflict working against the elimination of that human experience.

I think people who are victims have trouble with utilizing their power to deal with realities many of us encounter day-to-day. And things not ordinarily encountered day-to-day. Thank You LORD 🙏🏻

Man has to stay busy -It either seems to be in his nature or a product of The Times. That is, what he does to busy himself seems to be largely a product of The Times. Additionally, man often times acts when he shouldn’t, and fails to act when he should. He also tends to busy himself with things which are meaningless; while tending not to busy himself with the most important of things. How often the such things as the concept of eternity are missing from our field of view, our vision! 😔

I don’t know if too many people who continue to give when you already owe. I can think of a couple of instances: A parent; GOD; your bestest, dearest old friend; someone with issues… Banks and other financial institutions on occasion.

Now a jerk karma many women it appears are to our shoot it to deal with; On the other hand, a man who was incompetent…

Most people you get the impression are looking for someone who brings in a little more than they take. But there are people who have relationships with other people, and for lengthy periods of time, where the person appears to bring them down, where the person appears to take more than they give. 🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷‍♂️

A dialog is based on based on you saying something and then the the person across from you responding. You play this game of tennis back-and-forth and something occurs. Or if you will, nothing occurs. There are a number of fairly common occurrences that take place through this process among human beings.

One of the most difficult things in Christianity Christianity is to not do 1 to others as they have done unto you – Especially in America where humility is not exactly the order of the day. People are rude to us we are not rude in return. It’s apparent to me that I need a lot of work in this area.

Is there something different about you or have you simply become aware of things that have been for a very long time?

You have to either be open or a certain kind of closed if people are going to take an interest in you and hold it. I have seldom been either.

With regard to most people, you could say that the selection of a potential partner involves and she’ll partner involves a certain amount of self centeredness. In fact this notion is so deeply embedded in most of us that that to consider otherwise would it would nullify the point altogether. But how is that working for you [so far]? What do you suppose it is that people learn later than life rather than sooner, that makes their relationships tenable? Perhaps even genuinely worthy of being called a “relationship”.

If going South after a traumatic event is a choice -then why not [choose to] go North [instead]?

Not just my problems with man but other people’s problems with man, and his problems with me can be traced back to his origins of disobedience. His train slipping off the tracks. His failure to do what he was created to do. Every single human being on this planet has had problems with this fellow man.

Either we’re all victims or none of us are -now which is it??

people, due to self-will, can basically do whatever the want [think about it 🤔]. And quite often [and to a certain extent] they/we do!

Some anuses smell more that others

What people think, where people are coming from a fair amount of the time is subjective -which is why it should be taken with a grain of salt in accordance with!

Many functional people consider themselves to be quite normal, In spite of there are many quarks which in many cases aren’t much different than those of average functioning or low functioning individuals. 🤷‍♂️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏾‍♂️ And based upon my experience, high functioning individuals aren’t much better at dealing with dysfunctional individuals than low functioning individuals. They certainly don’t have any more patience.

The problem is a lot of people can’t see where all this is going. GOD is very explicit about where and how [truthfully speaking] -MAN IS NOT!

Isn’t that what people do, they think? Spend a weekend together things seem to be going great, then all of a sudden a week later different attitude altogether. Because they start to think.

If there’s one thing worse than a poor thief it’s a rich thief. Think about it!

JESUS never got involved in the messy sort of relationships we human beings ourselves enter into with impunity. Think about what most of our experiences are with these types of relationships inevitably

Our minds, let alone our hearts, are not equipped to digest, process, THE MYRIAD OF HUMAN APPETITES [ALL THE THINGS WE HUMAN BEINGS BRING TO THIS EARTH THAT SUCK].