I think there’s a difference between being stiff necked due to ignorance or being injured versus versus one’s ego or arrogance

There is always going to be people who don’t like bad people and there are always going to be people who don’t like good people. As long as this is the case.. There will continue to be Strife in the world. Unless of course we all become a bunch of characterless drones. 1984 Is giving up our character, our individualism, our freedom worth peace? I think there’s a better way, But it would require sacrifice and the elite would not get their wish.

It looks like some of these folks who are delivering the news to the public are really reaching for some stories is stories that are either nothing, or that don’t amount to anything in the end. It’s interesting to see people throwing speculation to the wind There was a time when this was considered a no no.

GOD cannot do certain things because it is not who HE is. I guess what I take away from this is that who we are determines what we can and cannot do, what we will and will not do. I’m not the same person today that I was 20 years ago or 20 minutes ago. As a result there are things that I cannot do, things that I will not do today that I actually did 20 years ago or 20 minutes ago.

I think there’s one thing that God and ourselves have in common [one of many, many things], and that is that we are all responsible for the choices we make. Is it safe to say that even this applies to God? I’ll ask HIM here in a little bit. PERFORMANCE as well? How important is performance in GOD’S role and in our own? TONY EVANS


What stood out most for me in this is: While your or I are waiting for GOD to answer our prayers; GOD is waiting on us who have been granted certain gifts by “THE ALMIGHTY”, that is, you and I, to answer the prayers of others; to be a saving-grace in their moment of despair, in their hour of need, via the gifts, via the power vested in us by THE ALMIGHTY HIMSELF. Check Dat! πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ€·πŸ½β€β™€οΈπŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈπŸ€·πŸΎβ€β™‚οΈ

If you don’t take something seriously, how can you hope to succeed, hope to change? I think much of my life has been characterized as such. There’s a reason why [immaturity, resistence] change has come so 🐌. Humans do have the ability to not take things seriously when they should.

It’s OK, I’m not looking to have any thoughts that will drive awedge between GOD and myself.

What sort of impression do you think a Pastor who has millions of dollars at his disposal and uses them for his own life style makes? What sort of impression do you think a pastor who has millions of dollars at his disposal and uses them them for the poor makes? And I’m not talking about having a both ways here.

If you want to succeed in the universe all you have to do is act in accordance with it for for a particular… To come to fruition. Success can be subjective, relative, Absolute! In addition, if you have no horse in the race, you will win every time. There are strings attached to cause an effect in the universe. Most of the time calm of the reason we fail is because we pull the wrong string; or we pull it improperly; or we pulled it the wrong time. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ€·πŸ½β€β™€οΈπŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈπŸ€·πŸΎβ€β™‚οΈ

Too many of us rejoice, pay homage to GOD for what HE does for us and not for who HE is [distinctly, strictly]!

Some people don’t like it when you cross their personal boundaries. Well I don’t like it when you’re crossing cultural and norm boundaries.

Β«There are two signs of man’s spiritual value: the way he behaves in joy and the way he behaves in sorrow. Only he who has progressed in justice knows how to be humble in glory, faithful in joy, grateful and persevering also after he has been satisfied and does not wish for anything else. And only he who is really a saint knows how to be patient and to continue loving his GOD, while afflictions persist.Β» Poem of the Man-God volume 4 pg. 387

God uses principle principles of fairness and Justice. We’re not for HIM, satan would have no boundary to assault us. Do you think satan would afford God the same courtesy, sense of fair play? Or perhaps it is the case that satan would steal souls anyway he could; while GOD asks that we come to HIM willingly, and with our eyes wide open!

The question is in what context or in what scenario is a grain of truth 100% true?

“Because GOD is good -not because I am good”.

Man continually believes he is not only competent enough but worthy enough to judge his fellow man.

Once people conquer the problems of survival they sit around and watch fruitless TV programs. What would corporate America do without television and the web these days?

Some people learn or grasp a whole series because they understand the principle? May, I seem to have to learn each step each area, each separately, individually. It’s very slow going and irritating.

It took me until just now to figure out why when a ball spins one way it tends downwards whereas when it spins another way it tends upwards. At this moment it was very clear to me. 🎡 “The mind, the mind, the wonders of the mind”. 🎢

The things that matter most in life are available to all mankind, under any and all circumstances, at any time, day or night – GOD has seen to it!

We must have the right attitude once GOD has performed something something tremendous for us, something dear to us.

When GOD does for us we are grateful -sometimes. When GOD does not do for us [WHICH IN FACT NOT ONE MOMENT IN THE SPAN OF OUR ENTIRE LIVES GOES BY WITHOUT… πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ€·πŸ½β€β™€οΈπŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈπŸ€·πŸΎβ€β™‚οΈ] we forget about HIM -oftentimes.

You know how in boxing you keep punching an opponent’s body rather than their head in the early rounds so that they begin to take their toll and slow doand slow down? It’s a plandesigned [ as much so] to pay dividends later on as in the moment. Well in tennis you could employ the same strategy by making your opponent run and run and run from the start even if you manage to lose some points early on. But I don’t see that strategy being employed strictly or completely or consistently – Instead it’s just one part of the strategy G in many cases rather than the main 1.

Many people treat faith in GOD as some sort of sucker’s game.

No man can know everything required in any given moment at the same time.

I remember Kevin Costner in the movie Superman or man of steel. I remember him accepting his fate with absolute grace at the edge of the tornado -I WISH TO BE AS SUCH as opposed to this grobbling insect every time trouble is on the horizon.

Can you gauge someone’s immune system by their resistance to fungus under their nails spreading? I mean I pparently had fungus underneath my toenails for years and they spread very little. What kept it at Bay?

WE ARE LOSING OUR ANONYMITY – We can’t do anything any more without people knowing who we are. I want to be able to go into a storm buy something and people not know that I bought. Because it’s none of their damn business that I bought it.

There’s something about a man draped in jewels didn’t jewels, remember the movie where the man finds a buried treasure underneath a lost city and you see the look in his eyes? There’s just something about that that seems all wrong. If you tried to offer that man’s spiritual principles he would probably feel the same way about you. But which is right? Which one lacks negative consequences? Which 1 is not looked down upon by God and which 1 is not looked down upon by man?