A lot of women cannot control their feelings economy manipulate them. Some don’t even know how to do that.

Remembering that you don’t have everything you want while forgetting to remember that you have everything you need is a recipe for…

The problem with many people is they dare not ask. We stole the land from the Indians and now we turn around and sell it to one another? Yes but keep in mind how they got it? They overpowered the Indians. So why can’t we overpower someone who’s hurting the land that we were born on, which is our native soil now? Go back to the beginning and see how land was acquired and then ask why can we not acquire it the same way? 1st of all, if this is our native soil aren’t we entitled to some of this land? Is land a privilege?? I think not, it’s an necessity! This country was 1st founded people were buying land for a dollar because because it was believed that they had a right to it at an affordable price. Sure, they had to pay for it, but they also had a right to it. How did the distribution of land come about in this country after we stole it? And what gives them the right? They get in on it on a certain time and place and they pass it on or sell it and we have to pay through the nose for it or do it out because they choose not to sell it?*

Man works when [where] he should rest and rests when [where] he should work.

* Why are so many of us forced into a situation where we have to pay somebody else and add to their riches because we and/or our families before us were unfortunate enough not to be able to capitalize? Hey let’s face it, things do not unfold in man’s realm naturally or by mistake. Men fighting manipulate and lie to get more than their fair share in many cases. And then the ensuing generations must add to their riches by paying to survive. Add to their debauchery actually.

The quicker a particular meat defrost the gentler it will likely be on your digestive system. The longer it takes to Digest…

If you please a woman too much… If you please a woman too little… πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

All these commercials were bombarded with -piss-poor attitude on my part? The conservative attitude would be that these people are just trying to make a living πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

I don’t know if i’m just getting old but at this moment it dawned on me that a life spent chasing after material profits and gains seems pretty damned listless!

We go from being a straight society where sensibility matters matters most to being a cool society we’re doing whatever the hell you feel like matters most. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

How shall I put this. With most people comment at least in this country, everything falls everything falls into 3 categories:

1) Appealing;

2) Unappealing;

3) Of no interest whatsoever.

Such a narrow view of life could be cataracterised as arrogant or self-centered or shallow.

I can see things, see them in my mind and, but I don’t know what to call them. See a young girl on the tennis court fetching a towel from Novak jokovich with a certain look on her face and I don’t know how to describe describe what I believe is inside of this person that that facial expression is projecting for example.

Bless those people who simply do what they need to do; And don’t get all wrapped up in the world around them; whether it’s in their nature or by choice. Especially if its by Troy’s!

Don’t make fun of people even if those people themselves don’t have the sense not to play the fool.

Have you got it firmlyimprinted upon your psyche what that special person in your life doesn’t like about you and what they do?

When the people closest to you do things for you, do they say they do it because they love you, because you matter to them, or do they say it because you did this or that for them previously? Do they ever do something for you simply because they love you?

Mistreeting people you care about as a big no no!

You start getting aggressive with people [or anything else negative] and people will start getting aggressive with you, and:

1) You may not always come out on top;

2) in spite of your own about face, others may not be so willing to revert.

I hate to break the news to you but in most cases the girl God created for you is not the prettiest in the room, Not these used to get along with, not the shapeliest, She may not even be pretty by your standards, but she is the one God decided was best suited for you. And as for you women, Ditto. And guess what happens when we choose some one other than the 1 God is chosen for us? You miss out on many if not all of the things God intended for you to come about through your experiences with this person. And remember happiness isn’t everything and there are more important things in life than happiness. If God wishes a particular person to be happy above all else,, then happiness is 1st and foremost with regard to that person.

While it is true the bad things happened to good people. All it is true that trying to do the right thing doesn’t always work out for the better for you or others. One thing is for certain; If you are a good person regardless of what happens on this Earth, GOD will not forsake you or I!

2 things would be incredible:

1) To be able to change your direction of your punch in mid air and still have the same impact power.

2) On the tennis court appearing to hit the ball in one direction and hitting it in another.


I’ve lived most of my life as if nothing mattered, and at the same time as if everything mattered. And I’ve still managed to be somewhat successful in certain areas of [my] life.

You can learn many things from watching. My point is… for example if you watch enough tennis tournaments you can learn the majority of the rule book. But try and ask a person who watches tennis as a lifetime endeavor what the rules of tennis are and they will probably give you a few here and there πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ Watching is one thing; process and just what is taking place is another [with many people].

Sometimes we have to tell ourselves things in order to get our minds looking at things properly. I don’t know about you but sometimes my mind has a mind of its own that is not conducive to rational thinking. Nor thinking that would fall into line with the highest human values, let alone godly principles.

30, 40, 50, 60 year old adolescence in this country are destroying it. You know what the interesting thing about maturity is? Wisdom often accompanies it!

Learn to treat all things with care [GOD pointed this out to me while I was getting frustrated with cleaning the “ANA LUZ”. I started getting frustrated while cleaning the console and God told me to enjoy it, make it a labor of love, treat it with care like you wouldthey’re like you would her -the woman you love. New Attitude?

I’m having a hard time cutting loose of this victim-role pattern, this chip on my shoulder, this grudge, this complex.

Just because “THE ALMIGHTY” gives us the leeway to make fools of ourselves doesn’t mean we should.

10 million dollars is more than enough for an athlete.

There’s nothing worse*, sadder* than a person who is on top who thinks they’re on the bottom, who is ahead and thinks there behind, person who is winning but thinks they are losing, a person who has been treated with mercy, who continues to believe they have been treated unjustly. A TRYE VICTIM [MENTALITY]!

The most stubborn things within us that we struggle against usually have multiple facets or factors keeping them in place. And those factors often stem from we ourselves. Like the HIV virus that penetrates the wall of the cell.. For us it’s often things like fear, lust, misconceptions… working in conjunction with one another.

Many women [men too] think they’re tough when they’re really not; So they try and play the tough man’s game and Wind up having to pull many things out of their bag of tricks to compensate compensate for what they are in all actuality -not!

*A person who has everything and still wants more? πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ