The smaller we are, the more GOD can shine through in various areas of life.

What do you suppose the long-term effects are of not learning on a mental and emotional level, not growing on a spiritual level on this desolate planet of ours?

Many foreigners actually contributed to the success, culture of America.

Drive an entire country to drug use and various other addictions while you remain unaddicted, and you will be king.

It’s so easy to twist things around that God gives us. Like that girl over at the hospital it was so nice. The message wasn’t to be attracted to her but to emulate her through humility, cheerfulness, warmth. Is reverse learning – If you find someone appealing or attractive or attractive by the way they present themselves, others will probably find you appealing or attractive if you emulate it.

If you had to choose between investing in a low yielding stock with high risk, or a high yielding stock with no risk, which would you select? Put all of your stock in God and not in people

If you were to go from living in the United States, say Beverly Hills, to a 3rd world country to visit what was the experience what the experience do for you? The place awaiting us where God resides, compared to the finest place on this planet would be a similar comparison.

In the fifties and sixties sitcoms teenagers were portrayed as living by the phone waiting waiting on the phone call of their sweethearts. But otherwise people generally live their lives, working, cooking, cleaning, going to the grocery store… Nowadays it seems that Americans well past 138 years cannot do without continually picking up their phones to see who is contacting them. What is changed in America or has it? Where people back in the fifties and sixties of legal age and beyond also bored or needy or lonely throughout their day? Or is it just this new generation of people that are?

Reverse or inverted learning: Girl at hosptal



Oftentimes through our [lack of] spiritual spiritual dedication, not just poor decision making in the real world, But poor decision making, poor effort with regard to our spiritual dedication comvacation calm just as we report we sew in the real world we reaped what we sew with GOD. GOD can do anything for us and if you are wondering why HE hasn’t… 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏾‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Did we adapt to the elements or did the elements, or were the elements created for us, to suit us?

We are in GOD’S image created. A man is the image of his father but if his father is bad for the son to be good is monumental.


I would be there for my family, for my Aunt, for my Uncle calm even if they weren’t leaving me this money. But I get the impression that if I hadn’t been there for them all these years they wouldn’t be leaving me this money. What do I basis upon? Things they say you say, things they say about the money, and why….

I guess that’s what all relationships and compass; [and] what love must endure; All the triumphs [successes], all the failures; Many relationships don’t survive either.

GOD will not do for us what we can do for ourselves. God doesn’t drop down and rescue us every time we have a problem.

People who believe themselves to be at the top of the world who are actually at the bottom of it?

Some people actually grow tired of their own “trappings of the flesh”.

There’s what you, or I want, and then there’s what everything else in, and beyond the universe wants. I suppose, we are entitled to only a very small part in the grand scheme of things. From man’s own perspective, most of us don’t get nearly as much as we plan for, hope to. And many of those of us who do, JUST HOW MUCH [VALUE] DO WE REALLY HAVE [AGAIN] IN YHE GRAND SCHEME OF THINGS?

What is it these days with all the untruths, conjecture being written on the web [just to sell time and promote ads]?

They’re taking away our privacy; Every day more laws are added to the books; What else is coming? As long as certain areas of the population continue to screw up, the powers that be [who gave them license to rule -WE DID!!] will continue to encroach on us! WE GIVE THEM ALL THE JUSTIFICATION THEY NEED!

Paintings that look real life!

Some movies have scenes that eerily, serreally depict life. Maybe every part of a movie does, but only certain parts do each individual recognize as such.

Two things killing this country individually (=), collectively:

1)Too many trivial pursuits;

2)Too much self indulgence.

What are we doing???

Some people are drama-queens, some people are peace-and-quiet-queens!


Be a good caretaker!

George orwells 1984. They always use tragedies like 911 and the welfare of the masses has excuses to take away our freedoms.

I switched roles in my relationship that I witnessed as a child growing up between my dad [drinking, drugging, womanizing, gambling] and stepmother [co-dependent?]. When I was drinking and drugging I was my dad. When I got sober I became my stepmom to the women are you had been involved. The only thing is is that the women that I was trying to make better, in many instances they had common issues not uncommon ones like my father. They had normal issues that many couples struggled with but I didn’t know this. The model that I grew up with was that somebody in the relationship always have to be fixing someone. With my grandmother and me, with my behavioral issues as a young boy, my grandmother’s job was to fix me. 🤷‍♂️

I think much of my “problem” (Donvan’s Echo 32:40) is that I’ve always had an agenda and people being the creatures they are [especially women] pick up on that. When a person is disadvantaged, and are already suffering from said disadvantage, you develop, among other things “an/the agenda”.

People who have problems handling excess -GOD tends not to afford them this luxury or this privilege or this responsibility

There are good people in the world 🌎 and not good people in the world 😕 and regarding encountering both on at regular intervals-some find it very difficult to adapt.

How does one become aware of something they are unaware of?

A person decides they want to be the world’s greatest tennis player at a very young age 🤔 as luck would have it they grow up to be the perfect height of 6’2″. How does that work out? And thus he does! Not me 😏

For most of us, relationships are probably as much about making them work as they are about finding that right person. If you’re looking for the right person but you lack the skills to make a relationship work, which is usually what happens in a lot of cases, then where do you think you will find yourself when the going gets rough? Most people put on their best dress personality wise come we fall in love with them, and then we start to find cracks in the plan We so carefully worked to cmap out and achieve. I would say that the key to a long term relationship is more about the ability to work through the struggles most of us will encounter through fate, life, God’s plan for growth and maturity in us, personalities… Supposedly finding the right person is no guarantee of a lasting relationship – A lot of things can change, and probably will. A strong commitment and the ability to accept, along with the ability to work through problems pieceably, at least on your part. You may not have a partner and capable are willing to do the same things. Most people have the wrong idea about a relationship. I thought it was something magical that would make all my problems go away and fill the emptiness inside The fact of the matter is they are the most difficult thing for a human being to human being to succeed at in most cases. They are the thing that spurs us to grow and complete ourselves right oaks rather than to remain stagnant and hope that the other person will magically make all our cares and worries disappear. We learn more about ourselves in relationships than perhaps anywhere else. 9 times out of 10, if you’re choosing to get into a relationship you’d better expect better expect a lot of struggles and hard work and even pain. If we truly care about people comment the more of them we let into our lives the more we carry not just to enjoy they bring us but the pain they themselves will suffer. Relationships are hard, challenging, disappointing as well as the other things we hoped they would be over the long-haul [sometimes]. Now that I had an opportunity to observe certain other relationships unlike the one I grew up around with my father, I realized that there were many instances, many relationships I was involved involved in where the right thing to do was to work through things calm not to try to control them, not to try to get rid of the person subconsciously, not not to walk away because there was something about this relationship that was inherently different from every other one out there in the world. Many of my relationships were probably very similar to many relationships elsewhere. But I didn’t know this at the time. The loneliness I live with today in my apartment… the anger and the frustration and the pain… God keeps telling me “You had your chances you had your chance as you had your chances.” I think my attitude was that looking at my dad’s relationships and the problems they have problems they had calm on my attitude was that I didn’t want to have a relationship with problems. And the other thing is that the issues I was having in my relationship’s, what was echoing throughout the globe was welcome to the club. But people don’t air out their dirty laundry in front of you so you think you’re the only one. If you don’t have any close friends, you never get to hear that their lives are much different from yours or vice versa. The struggle in relationships is individual to that relationship. Some of us have it easier than others.

Male competition

I’m beginning to see the logic, the benefit of just going through other people’s lives without is out making any waves. Walk through life like a gentle breeze through other people’s lives.

The thing I could never understand about my dad was why at some point didn’t he get help. It’s understandable in our society to have issues from our childhood, but do not do anything about them?

GOD doesn’t drop down from the heavens every time we screw up and neither should apparent with their children.

There’s 2 kinds of adjustments we are obliged to make. The ones were we’re wrong and other people are telling us about it. The ones were not wrong but we need to make those changes none the less to keep the peace. To keep the relationship intact.