Sone people are just being who they were raised to be, and sometimes that’s turns out to be a good thing for them. Others have to struggle to become something other than what they were raised to be if they are to stand any chance of… now which do you think is more difficult to achieve?

Few things worse than an inability to learn; but one might be an inability to change!

With that outlook [and attitude] towards humanity it will be very difficult to succeed within it!

Evolution without discipline is…

Sometimes God allows or gives us what we want to show us it’s not really what we want.

One man’s great dilemmas “what can I do about it?”

You can make certain mistakes and still succeed; you make certain mistakes and not succeed.

God does precisely what he does with numerous intentions; to affect numerous areas in HIS universe. Man oftentimes, viewing the universe says something which should revolve solely around himself, wanrs one thing and one thing only. To please himself!

But we feel most vulnerable calm when we feel the need to clean to those things which in our mind are going to bring relief or safety or an elevation of one’s battered ego; And God fails to meet these demands, these legitimately perceived needs and in the manner in which we deem them – That is oftentimes where the rift between God, and in certain cases where our own beloved fail us as well, this is where the rift often takes place. Not knowing when and where precisely we should be compensated, Ultimate reasoning with regard to how we should be compensated! When you decide to follow God be prepared for 2 things:

•His will done to you in the strictest sense [for growth -if you follow HIM be prepared for extreme episodes of growth and purification];

•satan coming at you full bore!

Ant rely on people entirely; can’t rely on GOD to meet everyone of our demands; But you can rely entirely in Satan to assist us in our demise.

Rule number 2

You can only hope to alter people’s [sorely-had to look up to be sure of meaning AFTER GOD put it in me without me consciously recalling it’s meaning] behaviors, attitudes with truth [love?].

GOD should always be viewed with love and gratitude -HE NEVER MAKES DECISIONS TO HARM OR ABUSE HIS CHILDREN. HE often finds HIMSELF UNABLE TO ACT WHERE HE WOULD OTHERWISE DO SO [due to us, others tieing HIS hands].

People seldom exceed their own natural abilities; but often fall short of them!

If you are in the presence of perfection then any issue you have must be within you solely.

Some of the greatest minds in the world ponder(ed) the meaning of life just as so many of the rest of us do to no avail -and yet, it is right their in front of us! 🤷‍♂️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏾‍♂️

A fragile ego along with various rather non-spiritual aspects woven into one’s being have wrought terrible consequences in our 🌎 throughout man’s history!

Painstakingly, we ask ourselves why things are the way they are, why GOD has failed us when in fact it is of our own [un]doing. 🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷‍♂️

Imagine a world where we reap precisely what we sow. Save for a lack of immediacy in most cases and, a loving GOD who often shows mercy in place of justice!

People are largely reactionary; but also not entirely sensible in their reactions! 🤷‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️

We all have a signature! That signature effects people acutely! And then of course, there is in turn our own processing of those reactions and how they match up to our own expectations of how we want to be received, treated etc… alot of people don’t care for the reactions they inspire! Butt, WHAT WE PUT OUT WE WILL CONTINUE TO RECEIVE. And what we put out there and receive back as a consequence is largely favorable to some and largely unfavorable to others. Good or badd, for better or for worse, this formula for the most part appears to be immutable. . And it is unlikely in most cases that people will change their reactions in spite of you remaining the same. In some cases people are good and they nonetheless reap what is disdainful to them, hurtful to them. In this case they should hold fast to their being. In other cases people are not so good. In this case they should seek to make changes to their person.*(**)

Limitations in mankind often result in limitations in a variety of relationships. Feeling shutout…

*People appear to have a window. You’re too bad to them they respond badly/poorly. You’re too good to them they respond badly/poorly. Staying somewhere in the middle appears to garner the safest and largest number of positive responses [the typical person doesn’t react well to extremes -extremely sick people in our society, extremely successful people in our society, extremely loving people in our society]. 🤷‍♂️

**Moods (thoughts, agendas…) give off certain pheromones that mammals detect.

If what we choose to be is too out of line with society’s norms, however good or benign that choice may be, allot of people are not going to be accepting of it, accepting of you. I have often wondered why certain people who to a certain degree are assholes can have so many people in their life?


There’s 2 kinds of people in the world:

•The one whose family have nothing but good things to say about them;

•The ones whose family members prefer to keep their own opinions to themselves.

Either thru:

•Ignorance [lack of knowledge];

•Choice [tried the ways of GOD and found them wanting];

•Think they know better [choose to rely on their own (GOD-GIVEN) resources/strengths].

You think GOD has granted you those abilities, in excess so you can simply live a life in excess???? HE GAVE IN ABUNDANCE that you might share [turn those blessings into spiritual blessings for yourself by being a blessing to the less fortunate]. IS IT REALLY SO HARD A CONCEPT TO GRASP PEOPLE???

I stated previously, satan comes at us when we’re down [at our most vulnerable]. But sometimes we think he’s coming for us -when in fact he already has.

A person with high values who refuses to lower them in the face of the world’s prodding, this type of person, may not win over the whole of the world, may even end up suffering in silence much of the time, but every now and then…

People… How do we stop the trend of broken relationships that end? You improve and you don’t give up!

With the covid going on people can go without interacting socially with the shutdown, but we still have to be able to spend money right? What a bunch of bulshit

Not everything GOD can make up for; nor should HE! And making your own happiness doesn’t always cover everything either. 🤷‍♂️

There is a line between Glory [by choosing to continue forward] and giving up that Olympic athletes encounter. It’s the threshold or precipice! Why wouldn’t GOD HIMSELF utilize this formula with our own spiritual growth? Now then 🤔 most of us are not forged from the same metal as Olympic athletes but conversely -GOD knows our precise limitations in every [aspect] fiber of our being. Most of us will give up not at our limit but before reaching it. Most mortal human-beings!