Outcomes ultimately do not matter. Doing the right thing to the best of our ability will ensure the best possible outcome bull outcome we are responsible and capable of reproducing. Our conduct should always be 1st and foremost on bursting foremost on our agenda, everything else should be secondary.I believe that conduct is largely founded upon an attitude of gratitude and an attitude of faith which nullifies fear -a (most) corroding thread. Gratitude and faith or freedom from fear. Ever see how people act when they are in fear? Ever see how people act when they are ungrateful?

In any endeavor you choose to take up, it is important to remember always to encourage yourself through the process, not discourage yourself. Many people get discouraged through the process of exercise for example. It is counter productive to engage in something and become discouraged through the process. If you cannot engage remain encouraged, then you will likely fail. Few people will act repeatedly in the face of discouragement. Just look at the bell curve, the purpose of the bell curve or the general consensus of the bell curve rather, is that people tend to fall in the different categories. Wouldn’t it be great to see a bell curve where everyone is at the far right? Or perhaps not -depending on what were bell curving. With regard to exercise for example, I say 10 minutes A-day for a month is better than 3 hours A-day for a week.

The best policy is to strive for a better world.

Beware of the man or the group that is constantly trying to make a statement. I find it hard to believe that the best candidate for the Supreme Court is a black female. Although it is possible it is highly unlikely. Highly unlikely percentage wise. I’m not interested in people making statements in my country I’m interested in people didn’t people who know how to make right decisions. Decisions based upon God not based upon party. But the government has managed to get rid of that thinking. Keep your spiritual beliefs and your religious beliefs separate from your job?

In the movie “The Fixer” with John Voight, there is a scene where they discuss how the typical person out on the street doesn’t understand how things are done.

1)What happens when the majority of people in a democracy have been duped, while a small number see the real thing coming? How is a situation like that to be handled? It obviously cannot be handled through democratic means.

2) Alcoholism with all its tragedies is a remarkable case study of humanity. You don’t have to be an addict or an alcoholic to fall prey to alcohol. Historically speaking, with regard to anything inebriating or intoxicating, human beings struggle to resist. What could be more inebriating or intoxicating than sex? I can guarantee you the people who are not homosexuals will begin engaging in homosexual activity just as they did in Sodom and Gomorrah. With the stigma bean lifted from homosexual interactions in this country… Only an idiot would believe otherwise. Children do as children see. People can be nurtured to act like alcoholics and people can be nurtured to act like homosexuals even though they are not in fact true… What is the matter with you people out there. You’re supposed to be intelligent and open minded and yet you are closed and stupid In the worst and most damaging sense of these words.

If a person feels grateful and a person feels safe they’re demeanor in their attitude or generally positive. When one or both of these are lacking we human beings tend not to… be at ease, and tend to be lacking in humility.

How do you tell the difference between what one is saying and what they are doing? Sometimes this can be difficult even when you have face-to-face interaction with people and intimate interaction. But how in the h*** are you supposed to do this when for example for example you are locked out of this intimacy? We in this country here from our leaders this that and the other, and at the end of the day, or 2 years from now; what do we really witness; what are we really made privy to; if people are saying one thing and doing another as is often the case; and they are equally adepted covering their tracks while keeping we the American public at arms length from seeing the truth which belies it all… How can you know the truth when you’re not even allowed to have an intimate relationship with with your government or its leaders? Now there is such a thing as a tree bearing good fruit or bad fruit. And a lot of people including myself are not happy with the fruit the American government has been bearing for a very long time now. But we are constantly being manipulated to trust our leaders. Our weakness has been largely followers as a human collective -is one of the things that continue to prey upon. This matter between Russia and the Ukraine -What is the real truth underlying it all? It usually comes down to a few vital facts. But most of the time we the public are not made privy to them. We see what people who seek power and wealth and wealth and freedom from their fears and their inadequacies want us to see. I’ll tell you this much, I am not pleased with the way the democratic West democratic West is unfolding. We’re greedy, we’re shallow, pokama we’re in defiance of God’s laws thinking that we can simply create our own; and were even delusional enough to think that this is the right thing to do. To go against GOD [HIS PRINCIPLES] because we [some] think it’s simply one man’s opinion rather than a truth which applies to all of us -Mankind has always found a way to sidestep GOD. Certain people in the West are trying to create the world into this global democracy. Now what gets confusing is that historically the West is perceived as a God-fearing-Christian based populous while the east, not so much. But it seems to me that the West, the United States leading the way, has decided to lay down the Christian principles and go their own way as far as individualism goes. If you see the movie omega code 2 with Michael York and Michael Beihn, the Anti-Christ is spreading out from the West and trying to gain world dominance. But it meets up with resistance from within its own circle and from China of all places. Russia with all its’ limitations still has in place certain traditional laws which reflect some of our own Christian beliefs as far as I know. One thing is for certain, the country I am living in known as the United States is not following those Christian principles. They are trying to break down the walls of constraint and limitation and morality. They want us all to be one big melding pot. With ever tightening restrictions on certain freedoms [privacy, the right to serve and not serve the public based on our morals] ever loosening restrictions on those things designed to bring moral stability and among other things, the protection of our children. 🤷‍♂️ If what we’re doing in this country is any indication of what they are trying to spread around the world -I’m dead-set against it!

What do you think holds everything in place with supernatural precision? Fate? Chance? Things that a conscious human mind cannot even begin to understand let alone the power to do so. “Is there an intelligence at work in the universe?” DUMB! Intelligence Beyond… + Power Beyond…

We don’t always get the right result doing our best to do what is right; having failed [in our own eyes], we don’t always feel good about that either, but; GOD is always pleased with our effort and our intentions! ALWAYS! So DO NOT despair.

Sometimes people get it right, sometimes they get it wrong, so you shouldn’t put too much stock in what others think of you because whether we’re talking perception [the mind] or attitude [the heart], people are often in error to one degree or another.

Everything seemstp have it’s issues; but when it comes to the government getting paid, they seem to fxn. perfectly.

Human beings are capable of so many beautiful things in so many areas and in so many ways -you take one individual and in so many cases they are the only display or choose a shade of what they are capable of, of what GOD endowed/enabled them with.

Humanity as a collective whole forms a wave of near impenetrable ability and solutions to perhaps the majority of life’s problems. The problem is that in so many cases humanity does not function as a whole.

The universe was created for man not the other way around -check that!

Satan preys on a weak mind, and on emotions right on the edge.

Not everyone in the world believes that things are going to be OK as long as they simply do what they’re supposed to do. I think a lot of people responsible for violence in the world believe that they have to take a proactive stands in order to be safe or to stay alive.

I believe I have patience, but I’m not Job, and I’m not GOD.


In the 1820s, Joseph Fourier proposed the greenhouse effect to explain why Earth’s temperature was higher than the sun’s energy alone could explain. Earth’s atmosphere is transparent to sunlight, so sunlight reaches the surface where it is converted to heat. However, the atmosphere is not transparent to heat radiating from the surface, and captures some of that heat which warms the planet.[337] In 1856 Eunice Newton Foote demonstrated that the warming effect of the sun is greater for air with water vapour than for dry air, and the effect is even greater with carbon dioxide. She concluded that “An atmosphere of that gas would give to our earth a high temperature…”[338][339] Starting in 1859,[340] John Tyndall established that nitrogen and oxygen—together totalling 99% of dry air—are transparent to radiated heat. However, water vapour and some gases (in particular methane and carbon dioxide) absorb radiated heat and re-radiate that heat within the atmosphere. Tyndall proposed that changes in the concentrations of these gases may have caused climatic changes in the past, including ice ages.[341]

Svante Arrhenius noted that water vapour in air continuously varied, but the CO2 concentration in air was influenced by long-term geological processes. At the end of an ice age, warming from increased CO2 levels would increase the amount of water vapour, amplifying warming in a feedback loop. In 1896, he published the first climate model of its kind, showing that halving of CO2 levels could have produced the drop in temperature initiating the ice age. Arrhenius calculated the temperature increase expected from doubling CO2 to be around 5–6 °C.[342] Other scientists were initially sceptical and believed the greenhouse effect to be saturated so that adding more CO2 would make no difference. They thought climate would be self-regulating.[343] From 1938 onwards Guy Stewart Callendar published evidence that climate was warming and CO2 levels rising,[344] but his calculations met the same objections.[343]

In the 1950s, Gilbert Plass created a detailed computer model that included different atmospheric layers and the infrared spectrum. This model predicted that increasing CO2 levels would cause warming. Around the same time, Hans Suess found evidence that CO2 levels had been rising, and Roger Revelle showed that the oceans would not absorb the increase. The two scientists subsequently helped Charles Keeling to begin a record of continued increase, which has been termed the “Keeling Curve”.[343] Scientists alerted the public,[345] and the dangers were highlighted at James Hansen’s 1988 Congressional testimony.[21] The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, set up in 1988 to provide formal advice to the world’s governments, spurred interdisciplinary research.[346] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Climate_change

Just what do you think “New World Order” entails? You think it means greater power, greater benefits, greater freedoms, greater unity [through individuallity] for the common man? NO, NO, NO! IT MEANS A GREATER DISPARITY BETWEEN THE COMMON MAN AND THE ELITE. ARE NOT THE RICH GETTING RICHER? ARE NOT OUT PRIVILEGES, AND PRIVACY BEING STRIPPED AWAY? ARE PRICES NOT GOING UP, UP, UP? ARE NOT THINGS WHICH ONCE WERE FREE NOW HAVING A PRICE OR FEE ATTACHED TO THEM? $7.99 AT UPS TO HOLD A PACKAGE? $13.00 AT USPS? WE MAKE IT TOO EASY FOR THE WORLD OF BUSINESS WHILE THEY CONTINUE TO MAKE THINGS HARDER AND HARDER AND HARDER, FOR, AND ON US! WE JUST GO ALONG WITH EVERYTHING LIKE WE’RE POWERLESS. CORPORATE-AMERICA NEEDS A WAKE UP CALL. THEY LAUGH AT IS BECAUSE WE’RE SO COMPLIANT. The rich people who are willing to dude comply with these increases and prices are not helping matters any. Because they don’t care that they’re fellow human being is struggling to pay themselves -they only care about getting what they want or need. I said it 25 years ago, the breakdown between humanity and this country entry it’s going to come at a tremendous price eventually. Divide and conquer divide and profit. But nobody listens. If somebody screws your neighbor over and you sit by idle and watch it could be you next. But we stand by doing nothing hoping, if we even think about it at all, that we are not next. How soon we forget what happened in nazi Germany to the Jews. Oh no that can’t happen in America. Financially??? Monetarily??? Identity??? The 4th reich??? Having any trouble getting hold of someone on the phone lately in corporate America? Having any trouble getting ahold of someone on the phone lately incorporated America that actually has the power to do anything? There’s even taking the power out of representatives and management over the phone so that they cannot do the things that you want them to that will compromise the profits and the power of the company itself. 10 or 15 years ago I heard from JC Penney employees, management continually that “they were not allowing us to do this and that anymore” because the human compassion side was costing the company money.

There are a lot of situations, scenarios where charity is warranted, but man all too often bases his charity on emotional involvement and detachment rather than the situation or the scenario or the history itself.

That which is not in one’s nature, or programming must seek to remember.

What a lot of people fail to understand is what’s important isn’t what’s happening out in the world but how we conduct ourselves in the world.

People get angry because they talk themselves into it.

Some people are so desperate for love there even willing to buy it.

There are a lot of people without a lot of money who are very happy and there are a lot of people with money who are unhappy. So what does that tell you about money and happiness?

Nothing in GOD’S universe is ever a waste of time. There’s always a lesson.

You don’t have to battle the world, GOD WILL DO THAT FOR YOU. You don’t have to scrap for every inch of dirt, GOD will take care that you are ultimately aptly rewarded and provided for.