It doesn’t require any character to love a beautiful woman. Or to get along with an easy going person.

With most human beings, when we have strong feelings or attachments for a thing or a person, the line between right and wrong becomes faded.

Down here on planet Earth, everything has to go through a man’s mind. Were there it starts in the heart or it starts in the mind it has to go through the mind. The difference between a good man and a bad man is with the mind thinks and says and tells the body to do. If you want to do good, if you want to refrain from doing wrong, you have to have your mind operate in such a fashion as to align with, produce good attitudes, warmth and love, empathy and compassion, obedience to GOD’S principles, a clear understanding of the merits and importance of virtues [in this desolate plane] and so on. Don’t let anything exacerbate or incite fear or anger or resentment, or hate! They are the true enemy, they are the true instruments of the enemy.

Even JESUS apparently had to will something [CHOOSE] for it to be.

I don’t know if people are doing what they’re doing just to get their needs matter if they’re genuine -assuming a considerable number of people can’t get their needs met being themselves.. Some people are not who they are so that they can’t get their needs met. I think this is the case for me with regard to women. The cost of getting my needs met is too high. I learned that listen a very long time ago. Some of us learn very early in life that the world is not a pretty nice place. And for those of you who believe it is.. You really haven’t lived!

Certain people don’t have to work for what they want, In fact, they don’t even have to be civil (or humane) to get what they want -that’s the power of power. And I feel sorry for people like that because any time one is able to subvert the natural laws, the natural order of things -TROUBLE!

Let GOD’S creatures be; and let GOD’S creatures be who they are; who they choose to be; besides; who put you, or I in charge????

The older we get the more responsibility we must shoulder for assisting the body in doing things that can no longer do [as efficiently].

A person who doesn’t care much for people, certain people and doesn’t do a very good job of concealing it…

Everyone has pains in their life they are bound to suffer; pains which are unavoidable, pains which are inescapable-for life! Any attempt at escaping them… only leads to trouble. Any attempt at avoiding them… well, let us say that presents it’s own set of troubles in itself. So settle in and πŸ€” learn to live with them because many of them are a natural, normal part of human life.*

Women, if you don’t please them, you don’t get pleased. And in many instances, one is a requirement while the other is hit-and-miss. You see, while many women require you to satisfy them [pass the test], whether or not you are satisfied is secondary to them. In some cases a distant second.

*When we choose to have life given to us on this plane of existence, comma we are in effect agreeing to all of the things that go along with it. And when we try to reneg on that agreement once we’re here and life begins to “HURT”, we pay for it in all sorts of perverse ways.

Judging people is one shore-fire way of putting them off. Those of us who carry that bug don’t do so well with cohabitating.

Tell me something πŸ€” what is the difference between hurting someone you care about and hurting someone who hurt someone you care about -to GOD?

The people you love, I think it goes over better when you think about what you can do to meet there needs rather the other way around [rather than thinking about what they can do to meet your needs]. πŸ˜”

It’s not a good thing to make decisions that at some point cause you to be desperate. Many horrendous sins have been committed out of desperation.

25 years ago you could take books into the local bookstore and sell them. Now they only take them in as credit. My my things seem to be changing for the worse for the general public.

Occasionally I feel compelled to remind myself it’s not what people think it’s what God thinks.

Slap a motive on someone for a crime -and the truth doesn’t matter if they can prove it. Fail to find a motive in the truth no matter how grim, but not yet discovered, doesn’t mean anything. The truth loses considerable weight. You’ve heard of a person going into a police station and confessing to a crime without a motive? Without evidence?

If you don’t think much of people

If you’re not very good at concealing it

If you’re not very good at disseminating your feelings towards the people in the world you don’t like from the rest of the world’s people

If you don’t have an extraordinary talent, you’re probably not gonna go very far in life -in the “people-world”.

Sadness is a sign you care more about the other person; anger is a sign you care more about yourself.

We all have our issues, but making life harder on others is a nice one not to have.

If you cannot accept your pet who acts precisely as GOD intended them to; how are you going to accept people who often times DO NOT ACT precisely as GOD intended them too!

People are not often the best point of reference in helping us find our way. Helping us to determine whether or not we ourselves are sane for that matter

Stop looking for things outside of yourself that don’t exist. Sure, the people around you may exist (but it doesn’tmean they have or are willing to give of what they havet to you)-but what you’re after doesn’t does it? After years of searching, after years of wanting and finding yourself wanting…??? πŸ€·πŸΎβ€β™‚οΈπŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈπŸ€·πŸ½β€β™€οΈπŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

If you find yourself using Jesse Stone as a reference point for figuring out life… πŸ˜†

Many people find a life with GOD alone; GOD the object of their lives very unfulfilling and empty; to them there seems little comparison between what God has to offer and what the world has to offer as far as fulfillment and stimulation; But have they really experienced GOD? Or are they simply caught in “The void”, the absence of the world and the absence of GOD which is often a prelude to contact with GOS?

The worst place (feeling-wise) for an alcoholic to be; the best place (transitionally-speaking) for an alcoholic to be is between the world of active addiction (dry but not yet sober) and the world of spirituality which is where most of us seeking recovery pass through, end up… They no longer have the crutch of the substance and they haven’t yet learned to rely on the spiritual principles leading them to GOD, to an infinitely better way of life!

When you begin to recognize the solution you thought was a solution that was never really a solution is no longer a solution… AHA!

Most people in this country are screwed up in one area or another. Misconceptions abound…

Just about everyone’s life is missing something – Except for those who choose GOD as their ultimate! ONLY!!!!

We often observe people mistakenly. We think what is disturbing people is is the thing that occurred between them and someone else rather than the aftermath of what occurred between them and someone else which continues to it is to have a presence whether we like it or not. The absence of someone due to a falling out of or a death – While the falling out of the death has long since passed, the repercussions of it remain.