Sometimes a person’s body does not match up with its soul. Sometimes they do. Sometimes you have a beautiful outside and a beautiful inside. Sometimes you have an ugly outside and an ugly inside. Sometimes you have an ugly outside and a beautiful inside. Sometimes you have a beautiful outside and an ugly inside. I’ve been with the most beautiful women and I’ve been with the ugliest women. I’m not going back down to the bottom ever again. Even if it means being alone. 🤷‍♂️

Give Caesar what is Caesars. People whose lives revolve around trying to get more and more of your money, don’t feel so bad about giving it to them, after all it’s probably the only real compensation they know.

Two good rules of thumb in relationships:

1) Always be kind;

2) When the going gets rough; never do anything stupid. good times come, good times go, and then they come, and then they go; but doing something stupid is another story altogether. 🤷‍♂️

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