Does the particular theme of the individuals involved in the commercial reflect the percentages of that which exists in our culture or society? How often that commercial is portrayed on TV? I’m seeing a lot of mixed race commercials and there’s not a lot of mixed races I see out in public. Of course the more we become much the more mixed races we are in our relationships -which brings me to my next point. We need to maintain a high cohesion of unity among our civilizations and I don’t know how that is being impacted by the loss of ethnic identity here in the United States. It appears that what somebody is pushing for is just a collage is the collage of mixed blood in individuals in our country. Less and less people have an identifiable ethnic background. I think they want to spread this around the world to where there are no more boundaries. One world means 1 leader. And I say the h*** with that. We need greater cohesive unity among the masses instead of less.
If we’re looking for somebody who is guilty of a crime as soon as we hear guilty we go too far lesser steps proving that he isn’t than when people say they are not guilty and the steps we take to prove he is or she is. These are the kind of biases human beings are prone to all the time, and many more. When man hears something he wants to hear it’s a lot easier to convince him than when he hears something he doesn’t want to hear and this goes for in law enforcement and anywhere else.
We show love to people even when they don’t deserve it calm even when we don’t think they deserve it, this is the definition of love at its finest
Just because you’re not aware of your suffering disamine you’re not. People who dabble in excess have no clue their suffering.
The excess in this country that goes on unchecked brings disunity between the masses on a number of levels. The more one takes the less there is for us. This is the case that her birthday party where somebody takes a huge chunk of cake for themselves and everybody is staring at them is it them with disdain. Don’t fool yourself, just because the pie may be bigger doesn’t mean the principle is diminished. Unity should be first and foremost with regard to humanity and with regard to country and with regard to community.
You know there’s something about people that go out into the world and get as much as they can with little or no regard for their fellow human beings who have not -there’s a big chunk of something missing in people like this.
After 240 years of Republican and democratic; don’t fool yourselves that working together and coming up with a common goal is something that should be avoided. There’s something very suspicious about a government that seeks to serve 2 classes of people differently. I wasn’t aware that people had different needs [we’re that much different]. More importantly that people are more deserving than others. People in this country are so afraid we’re gonna start looking like communists if we start checking their appetites.
If we’re honest with ourselves the things we do for others have an element of selfishness involved. That is why we get frustrated at people I believe leave when things don’t quite work out. More we can do things for other people and the less we do things for other people for ourselves the more of that frustration we will be relieved of.