Some people killed other people some people killed themselves. Which is worse living with?

Next time a company approaches you and tells you they have no record of your payment, don’t be so hasty. Hold on to that little receipt and plead with them telling them that you’ve made the payment. Hold out for as long as you can. And when they or the government spent reach the point of forcing you to repay that payment you already paid for. Show them that receipt and then challenge them by asking, is this really the way you do business by forcing people to make 2 payments when they have told you they already made it?? It’s not our error it’s yours but you’re trying to make it ours. You cited on the part of the company simply because based upon their word and documentation completely within their control states no payment was received, when in fact it had. It sounds to me like you’re giving too much power to the company instead of to the consumer who pays the bills in this country. 😏🤔🤷‍♂️ How do we know people in these companies are not doctoring… I mean we’re putting a lot of faith in these companies are we not? People are people are they not? Whether they’re working on one side of the business or the other.. There are dishonest people in business and there are dishonest consumers.

We’re all missing something; in some of us that may or may not be [more] negligible.

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