In order to get excess you have to give excess. In order to acquire access you have to instill access the need for access and others. Most of the things in this country WE DO not need. In the land of opportunity; for a country to remain the land of opportunity -one must continually create opportunity. And for the most part, the people in this country come American ingenuity, they are not doing it for our welfare or benefit. This is the basis for the majority of things taking place in this country today. A lot of the things being produced range from worthless too harmful at the other end of the spectrum -as we come to find out later on down the road. And by that time the people who have created them are either rich and living on some foreign island, broke, or dead. Man [most] would rather work on becoming rich in this country then working on getting along better with his fellow human beings. It’s been echoed throughout history many times that man has very few real needs. If the things being pushed in this country are of such a necessity then why go to so much trouble to try and get him to bite? As I have said for the last 30 years, maybe 25, as the stock of love goes up the stock of money goes down, as the stock of love goes down the stock of money goes up. Give that some serious thought and you will have found the key 🔑 which unlocks 🔐 the mystery to both man’s problems as well as his solutions!

It’s not so much that people lack intelligence it’s more that they lack [a] good vision.

I was wondering what had a high addiction rate so wait some 8 or 10 years ago and now I see it’s these phones with seemingly limitless numbers of applications-something for everyone. And they even managed to come up with something that they could spy on everyone with as well not just make money off of.

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