If you want people to take you seriously you ought not to be jumping around, jumping back-and-forth with your decision-making.

2 things that often arise out of human interactions:

1. One person leaves the impression of being superior leaving the other person feeling inferior. One person judges the other person as inferior in their interactions leaving the other person feeling inferior.

2. One person comes across as bothersome or annoying or inept to the other person. Gabe

The way we are gives us what we get*. Some people feel pretty lucky in that sense and some of us feel pretty unlucky in that sense. Some of us have to spend our lives unlearning and unbecoming. So we can get what we want; or need. Some of us have to walk towards GOD; and some of us choose to walk away from GOD in order to get those needs or wants. Some of us based upon our outward appearances are already a step ahead. Some of us based upon our appearances are already a step behind. Some of us are a stupid head based upon our appearance but because of what we are or what we have become inside, this becomes countered by something even more powerful -and visa-versa. Some of all have it all going in the wrong direction. Some of us have it all going in the right direction. Some of us are a plus plus, some of us are a minus minus, some of us are a plus minus, and some of us are a minus plus. I think that’s enough for now. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ€”

*Is there a difference between what we get based upon who we are and what we get based upon what we become from there?

One remedy [alternate approach to…] for social awkwardness -keep your mouth shut, observe. Even those who are not can benefit from this philosophy.

Whether you are aware of it or not, you probably expect, or at least hope that people will accept you just just as you are. Assuming you are aware of the fact that you have your faults just like anyone else. A word of wisdom -you might want to do the same and kind.

Mankind, more often than not -treats people inferior to how he would like to be treated. A DOUBLE-STANDARD. Bottom-line: It’s hard for many of us to hold ourselves to the same standard we wish to hold others to! But the world would be completely turned upside down if we could do so. And if we could even hold people to a lesser standard, and ourselves to a higher one, the world would be an even more peaceful place -if not better! πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

It’s just as JESUS said, man uses the techniques of his father satan to gain advantage, to gain favor and to gain period. For example he uses women to lure and to entice and to seduce his fellow man. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ He uses things which are unhealthy, detrimental, in order to lift his fellow man’s money from his pockets; drugs, alcohol, food, and again women, always women.

No relationship is perfect, in fact many are far from perfect. No person is perfect -in fact many are far from perfect.

My grammy always used to tell me “GOD hates a complainer”.

I feel as if our country has put itself calm a place itself above the rest of the world. Determined its job is to police other countries. I did that for many years in my relationships. I’m learning now that I’m just an equal member in this world at best. It’s not my job to tell others what to do. It’s not my job to make others do anything. And with my history, I’m certainly no better; Perhaps a little wiser, but no better! Is it painful to coexist with others? Absolutely! Is it hard to keep my mouth shut and my opinions to myself? Absolutely! Is it hard not to react when I feel threatened, even disrespected?? Absolutely! But I realize now, some people manage! I’m not precisely sure how they do it or why -I only know that my ways, which are not there ways, have not worked for me! They still have their relationships and I’m all alone. Whether or not one [result] is better than the other is up for debate I suppose. Some people in relationships tell me i’m fortunate. Not knowing the intimate details of their relationships, or marriage, sometimes I feel there the fortune ones. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ I don’t see GOD jumping up, GOD flinchin’ every time somebody on this planet makes a wrong movie. You might argue he doesn’t have to worry about being hurt though. I don’t know common there’s a lot of people out there in the world that don’t flinch every time…. And I want to be one of those people. I don’t wanna act scared, or hurt, or insulted, or victimized every time somebody makes a move, does something stupid – I’ve been there, I done that…! If you look closely at human behavior, you can always find something to complain about -that’s just my personal experience. Whether or not there are valid reasons is subjective I suppose to some degree. For the longest time I’ve ever been to live and let live kind of guy -so there you have -BOTH SIDES O’ THE πŸͺ™ πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ I guess what I’m trying to say is that whether we’re talking about our own personal relationships or relationships on the International scale, you should always look to avoid creating problems, and when problems arise, we should always look for resolutions and not to inflame them -always! ALWAYS! But man has always been a warring creature. His approach to life is often a compromised, watered-down version of GOD’S teachings @ best!

While there may be a difference between running a red light and stabbing somebody, nonetheless, in both cases the individual is to be considered a law-breaker. GOD speaks very firmly about keeping HIS commandments. Is it OK with you to be a law-breaker as long as it’s this or that and not this or that? If you look at people’s behavior out in the world that seems to be the case. It’s OK for me to break this law as long as I don’t break that lawIt’s OK for me to break this law as long as I don’t break that law. MAN!


I wonder if by GOD’S WILL we are only allotted so many…

Far too many people take solace in how others have treated them rather than how they have treated others. If you do someone ride and they do you wrong which do you tend to focus on?

I think parenthood in part is an essential part of the human developmental cycle, which assists human beings in transitioning away from the self-centered childhood we ourselves go through, into a new cycle that parenting brings about whereby the individual learns other-centeredness. Learn how to place greater emphasis on giving and lesser emphasis on receiving. Those of us who are not able to experience parenting never quite get away from that self centeredness otherwise! Put another way, without this crucial experience it’s very difficult to learn selflessness! Especially if it is not ingrained and you pain the new during your developmental years through your parents.

In my humble experience it doesn’t take a whole lot to get the world working against you. All you gotta be is just a hair different in the wrong sorta way. Have a little bit of an attitude or a chip on your shoulder. Lack of basic understanding of the way mankind operates. Or just be around difficult or selfish people in general. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

Everyone has worth to God but not every one has worth to man! Everyone has worth in God’s eyes -but not everyone has worth in man’s. Even decent people back in the day, were survival with king; a man, a woman, a child were worth what they had to contribute, if they had nothing, if they were of no use, they were worth nothing. Sad but true πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ˜πŸ˜”

I don’t feel so good about my social awkwardness; But God has assured me that my friendly my friendly manners which hold told no pretense and may be [perceived as] overdone, are one of my best qualities.

People who are prepared to deal with life find it a struggle, overwhelming, at times a challenge beyond their own abilities. Now sending the human being out into the world who is ill prepared to deal with life seems almost criminal to me. And there seems to be a lot of that going on in the world, in this world anyways. Do you have any idea what is required to prepare a human being to be able to go out and live in the world and deal with it? But it’s not making breakfast for them in the morning and tucking them in at night and reading them a bedtime story. It’s a h*** of a lot more than that. It’s a crime in this country not being able to properly rear a child or spend the time with him that’s required. satan must be laughing his a** off about that 1.

Think about it, if you begin to become lax or irresponsible with regard to certain services [as a company] and still not be significantly affected financially [the money, the sales, the services you offer] with regard to your business; and the public you serve, then why not let it go? Companies always perk up and notice things when their sales take a dive. But apparently in modern day America people either don’t care about the services that are slipping away or they are not aware not aware that they are being given substandard service. Because if there’s one thing we know in life that’s true it’s that a business cannot survive without customers. So again it’s the fault of the consumers in the United States who keep doing business with companies who are offering sub par service. And of course the few of us that do care about these things have to suffer because refusing to do business with these companies here and there is not enough to make these people wake the h*** up. You people out there who don’t give a d*** about anything except for yourselves and getting what you want -you people are ruining this country. Because you haven’t got the decency or the unity to say enough is enough! You know how many times I’ve sat on the phone telling people their service sucks -and they just laughed me off???

Some people killed other people some people killed themselves. Which is worse living with?

Next time a company approaches you and tells you they have no record of your payment, don’t be so hasty. Hold on to that little receipt and plead with them telling them that you’ve made the payment. Hold out for as long as you can. And when they or the government spent reach the point of forcing you to repay that payment you already paid for. Show them that receipt and then challenge them by asking, is this really the way you do business by forcing people to make 2 payments when they have told you they already made it?? It’s not our error it’s yours but you’re trying to make it ours. You cited on the part of the company simply because based upon their word and documentation completely within their control states no payment was received, when in fact it had. It sounds to me like you’re giving too much power to the company instead of to the consumer who pays the bills in this country. πŸ˜πŸ€”πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ How do we know people in these companies are not doctoring… I mean we’re putting a lot of faith in these companies are we not? People are people are they not? Whether they’re working on one side of the business or the other.. There are dishonest people in business and there are dishonest consumers.

We’re all missing something; in some of us that may or may not be [more] negligible.

There are too many people in our little country who have become distorted; And one fall out from that is that we have become disconnected, detached, not only from reality but from one another. 😏

When you love someone you want to do well for them. You want to treat them well. Many people in the world have mixed feelings about humanity. This in turn affects their attitude and their approach towards human beings. I am one such person. Makes it difficult claiming to be a Christian where where the main principle is to love GOD and love others with all your heart.

Very few people are capable of loving the whole world, or would even care to try. Most of us feel compelled to limit the number of friends we have, the number of people ww show goodness towards in the form of giving our time, effort, sacrifice…

Some people do things when they want to rather than when it’s appropriate to,, rather than when it’s proper to, rather than when it’s charitable to, rather than when it’s thoughtful to…

I went down to the mattress company in our city yesterday and they offered us what appeared to be a decent deal on a mattress. This morning I called back to see if they could still do the deal and whether or not the mattress could be flipped over and used on either side. That is like the old ones. The old sealy mattresses. He said no they’re no longer doing that anymore they’re made to last longer by longer by using only one side than before. Then when I got off the phone I asked myself, well if that’s the case why are they only giving a 10 year warranty instead of a 20 year warranty these days as opposed to years ago when they were double sided? How stupid man. At the time while on the phone I told the gentleman why would they do something like that something like that, why would they change a good thing? The answer is that everything is intended to speed up turnover and profit nowadays and quality has gone to s***. Giving the consumer a fantastic deal that will last is gone to s*** in this country Greedy b*******. Helping the average American Family in this country to be able to stretch a dollar with a sign of unity on a national level – That is disappearing!

If a man killed a man who tortured, raped, murdered his son or daughter, was not sorry for doing so -would you d*** him to h*** GOD?

There are some men out there that aint so good looking but they’re some of the kindest, gentlest, giving souls around. And they manage to attract some of the most beautiful women in the world*. Now can you imagine being as such and being highly attractive? πŸ€”πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

*Of course this may also sit well with women who have low self esteem. Security, trust issues and so forth.

A lot of this land in our country got taken up by people who exploited the generosity positive of the laws and principles in place at the time designed for every man to be able to get land and take widespread advantage of the new found opportunities in these United States. Land which continues to get passed on from generation to generation and sold at a premium making these crooks richer and richer. Making the offspring of these crooks richer and richer. And as a result calm the rest of us have to pay a premium to these people if we won’t land nowadays. That would hardly be what I call the land of opportunity -opportunity for whom? For the scissors who beat us to it?