I know I’m not as bad a guy as I used to be; but I don’t think I’m as good a guy as I hoped I’d be. But maybe the story’s not over just yet.
If Putin is the crook many governments in the West are portraying him to be, then why not bribe him? Some claim hes been stealing from the Russian people for a decade or so now. That 10 billion dollars or whatever it’s costing for this Ukraine war, we could have given it to Putin. Saved lives. Of course nobody else would have made a ton of money if we were have avoided this war. No, once again something doesn’t sound right except for the part where maybe it was more profitable to have A-war than to give all the money to Putin and still I’m end up with the same result. What do you think mankind is? If Putin is who they say he is -then I say there are many of them in the world. And on both sides of the Atlantic.
The world in relation to the universe was created in such a fashion to ensure that the whole world can never sleep all at once. Never sin all at once never; never cease to sin all at once. And, someone is always on watch!