You always see women gravitate to a man who represents something -right or wrong. How many women gravity to a man who stands for nothing?
I don’t know what it’s like to live on the street or to be dirt poor -but I do know what it’s like to be tormented inside, and I do know it’s like to be alone, and I do know what it’s like to feel like you don’t belong [for decades].
It’s a need but isn’t a true need? The need for progress?It explained to me civilizations and the positive consequences of those civilizations who have lived for thousands of years the same way, generation after generation? Well maybe not without consequences, but they probably weren’t destroying the Earth, and themselves, and each other.
We all have enough and impetus to change the things in us which are not working for us in the human world. The difficulty of this is it’s largely dependent on any resistance stemming from… name it… I can’t say for certain how many people who are successful at getting along with the world have had to make significant changes to reach that point versus having been groomed that way intentionally or unintentionally, or rather unconsciously unconsciously. But I know this, my repeated experiences experiences and the provocation of those experiences from within myself, were not to get along with others. An attitude and behaviorally, something I still continue to struggle to overcome.