Most people seem to look for a certain type, or certain types of people*. So if you don’t fit into that category or those categories at a glories your chances are reduced are reduced in so far as being accepted. Accepted on the job, accepted as a friend, accepted as a partner in a relationship. You don’t decide who find you acceptable other people do. Otherwise the world would be a very different place -or would it?

*And then when they think they found them they get to know them a little bit better and then are disappointed in most cases. But people always go back to the initial impressions. Which is why many of the people they would probably hit it off with never even get a chance.

What is it to be a good partner? As well as far as the man goes being a good provider Being able to open up emotionally. Understanding the needs of the person you’re with. Being espectful and considerate. We men struggle with different areas. A lot of the men who are able financially seem to struggle oftentimes oftentimes with the emotional aspects of the relationship. It’s as if in order to be able to perform successfully in the world we have to kind of subdue our emotional investments to to survive and that carries over into the home. I’ve known people like that through observation.

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