Are you against what’s normal? A rebel? To the extent it’s killing you.
If you cannot be happy for other people and their successes how can you be happy for your own? Certain parts of our humanity may work that way but others DO NOT!
If we give our word to somebody who is in the wrong should we honor that word? If we give somebody our word and we were wrong for doing so should we keep our word?
If you really think about it people don’t know much and they are not in any position mission to play themselves above horrible it’s above or below any othe, And yet it happens all the time that we decide for our selves, based upon the puny little power we think we hold in the world, WHAT AND WHOM…. REALLY????? We’ll just keep on going the way you’re going.
People show patterns when they want something from people. And people show patterns when they want something for themselves.