If a person can just master one move perfectly. People are the underestimate or fail to grasp the power of perfection [in the seemingly tiniest of things].

If mankind could learn one thing only-respect. How would our world be changed?

Many of the things Jesus did were in contrast to what we as men would have done. Hear the most common sense things we would have done Jesus seemingly did the opposite of. Would all do well to remember that. Please run out our ways and our ways are not his ways. God has a deeper agenda. God has a more kind agenda.

While the shooting in New York may be an extreme example, the fact of the matter is that a full 3rd of humanity cannot get along with one another. When you think about it, what percentage of people do not get along with everyone? Probably about 90% of us do not get along with everyone because we lack humility in the will to do so. We’re actually taught to use our freedom and our egos tour egos to excuse our inability to get along or to try and get along with everyone -it’s our right! Human beings have different views on the troubles occurring in the. But we all essentially have the same view when it’s happening to us. 🤔 Whatever happened to fair and balanced news?

Some people think creating more laws and restrictions is the answer to America’s problems-kind of stupid if he ask me. We need to go back to creating the kind of people we had earlier in this country. But that doesn’t seem to be the agenda.

If we’re so concerned about the safety of our citizens and the respecting of the laws of this great country the then why don’t we do so by changing the structure of our society and how it affects up-and-coming generations?. A lot of people do not believe that a devil exists but I tell you this, the direction this country is going in and the choices that it is making and dealing with its problems sure doesn’t cast much doubt on the possibility that something is working to harm humanity severely. Satan may stay out of the picture just enough to pull the majority of us but hes not fooling all of us Satan may stay out of the picture just enough to fool the majority of us but hes not fooling all of us.

Learn the patterns! When someone justifiably attacks or criticizes the system the system turns around and attacks or criticizes them. It’s a child’s game. You might expect that from an individual but from the very system we depend upon? Now that’s scary.

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