Most hyper vigilant individuals lacking in faith are usually overly concerned about their enemies. One who thinks the United States is just plotting along mining its own business with regard to any country you deem the deems of threat is pretty naive. Anyone who thinks we’re not intruding in any way on any other country we deem as a threat in order to try and… Some of this country concerned about our safety others are concerned with much more. That’s just what it is to be human unfortunately. So again call anyone who thinks United States is not likely overstepping its bounds with regard to other countries in the world… That’s another problem, is individuals and as global yes global neighbors were always justifying our behavior. Do I get to justify my behavior when I’m in a court of law for something I’ve done wrong? WRONG!
How does making sex a priority in your relationship initially or throughout working for you? Anytime we go against God’s perfect plan we will undoubtedly run into imperfect results. How can we jump right into bed with somebody we hardly know? How can we trust them when we hardly know them? How do we know with any confidence that they’re not involved with somebody else or married? How do we know they’re telling the truth about who they’ve been with or how many? I’ve had people in the early going, in the heat of Passion concealed the fact that they had herpes from me. When people don’t know each other that well it’s easier to make decisions this digions that heard others. It gets harder as we get to know people better. But we have to give GOD a chance to work on us that we may do the right thing. When we don’t give GOD this chance we open ourselves up. A lot of people don’t have a problem with making sex the initial priority, or the priority throughout that relationship. But then again a lot of people wouldn’t know the difference between a stone fashioned as an arrow head and a diamond fashioned as an arrow head. Some people have no clue about the various qualities of life and how the decisions they make affect their lives. They wouldn’t know the [moral] difference between treating a woman with the utmost respect and using them as an instrument for their pleasure.
Say what you will about The Bible and its stories; But the teachings on love and peace are irrefutable. The other thing that is irrefutable is that man takes what he doesn’t understand in The Bible and uses it to throw away the ideals which are so perfect that he struggles to apply them in his everyday life. But rather than admit defeat or admit to his own limitations, he criticizes or plays down these incredible teachings. The fact of the matter is that the teachings of The Bible on love and peace are far too difficult for most people to practice in their purest sense. Love everyone? Forgive everyone? Treat others as you would like to be treated? Think of others first? GOD is in control not me? In GOD’S time? Turn the other cheek? Trust in GOD? We’re all equal? Take only as you need? Give to the poor?? MAN’S NOT INTERESTED!
How can we have an opinion about GOD who is perfect? We get confused between perfection and imperfection. We all have opinions about people. The imperfection of others opens up it’s up the possibility that our opinions bear some truth. Of course some people get mixed up with regard to the more imperfect beings versus those who are closer to perfect. They think they can judge anyone with impunity. Recklessly, haphazardly… Anyways back to the original point. We take the liberty of judging God like we would any other human being these days. Man has done this throughout history I suppose. There is no room for opinion with regard to that which is perfect – You either accept it as it is or you don’t. 🤷♂️ God for example made the universe perfect I’m assuming. Without history there have always been opinions, we call these theories, through time, experience, a more open view of things, opinions fall by the wayside venturing ever closer to the truth. Man has to let his ignorance go, his biases go in favor of the [emerging] facts.