Any time a person stumbles across something powerful or lucrative, people want in on it. Or they want to steal ii. Or they want to shut it down. So sick of the routine!

You want to start a revolution keep taking more and more from your fellow man until they can no longer sustain themselves. We’re already walking that line in this country. And the idiots that are trying to do it are very very aware of this line. So they’re manipulating here and there to keep getting more and more and more while avoiding an uprising. Today is going to come when Ben they are going to cross that line because the only other alternative is to cease and be happy with what they have rather than feeding their drug of choice which is more and more. It’s sad the way we human beings gravitate gravitate to such things that bring disharmony and suffering to one another, and eventually violence. But that’s what we people are. If we’re not the source of it we’re standing around watching it we’re too busy to even bother thinking about it.

We all operate on a certain level and make no mistake there are many different levels. Many of us operate on different levels in different areas. It’s the higher level’s GOD is trying to get us to embrace.

As the world starts becoming smaller and smaller expect more and more people to start doing weird s***. Your average person in this country does not have the moral fiber or constitution to deal with adversity straight out. Or to simply suffer through it.

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