So-and-so isn’t perfect, and neither am I!

GOD speaks so much about the importance of love, love for him love for one another. And yet if a man is married to a woman and that man doesn’t love that woman and another man doesn’t love her truly GOD says that the woman has to stay with a man who doesn’t love her.

It might experience to talk about power. When you complain to a person about a situation where you have no power and they do, what are the chances that they are going to wilfully give over their power? The whole government is predicated on the idea that when people are in the wrong, or even if they’re not, it’s power that sways things not good will or guilt or a sense of right or wrong. Quite often in order to seek Justice from people, you must force them where in those situations they are required to give something up, including their ego! It’s a sad fact calm at least in this country that in my experience most people will not give up something something unless they are forced to do so. That’s been the case in the town I live in and with the people I’ve known all of my life.

When we go through a dramatic event we can get stuck there.

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