It’s very clear that there is a power in the world that doesn’t want problems to go away. How do I know this? Because they don’t go away. You see a problem in the rich part of town and it gets resolved. You see a problem in the poor part of town and it remains decade after decade. There are the problems that humans themselves are benefiting or profiting from. There are the problems that satan is introducing to punish mankind. There are the problems our own [fallen] nature brings about.

Some people are great with people -but they’re not great people themselves. Some people are not great with people -but they’re great people nonetheless.

None of us can claim to be perfect. And then of course that opens up the question as to where we have been mistaken which in and of itself is an almost impossible question to answer with any certainty. GOD on the other hand has never erred. What this essentially means is that in all our experiences on the Earth, Regardless of our personal feelings or opinions, Every decision GOD has ever made is perfect.

Man’s compromised, stunted ability to care is a major problem on this planet. A major threat to this planet as well as his own salvation. How many of us lack the ability to fully feel in any given situation? Any idea how many problems in the world this causes?

I’ve hurt a lot of people – Not everyone can make that claim. 😔If there’s not a devil loosed on the Earth and explained to me among other things why it was so hard to bring these priests priests to Justice who are committing perhaps the most egregious crime possible in GOD’S eyes.

If the doctor told you you were going to have to lose an arm -and then some time later told you it was only going to be a finger -wouldn’t you be happy?

Question: Why would a man be interested in a beautiful woman who’s selfish?

Answer: Because she’s beautiful.

The more emphasis or importance a man places on beauty the more hes willing to tolerate in order to enjoy it enjoy it, pleasure himself with it, prop up his ego with it

Progress? How many things would we be better off with undone? But man doesn’t operate that way.

We make foods to replace God and to mimic heaven, paradise. NONONO!!!!

If someone were to call us a witch 5 times in one day, Scratch that, if 5 different people were to call us a witch in one day -it would probably start us thinking. Unfortunately, most of us who are witches do not get that opportunity. So mentally we thwart or fight [sluff] off the occasional insult as an individual with a problem, or having a bad day.

It’s difficult, the things we love we ourselves sometimes mimic and sometimes we don’t. Sometimes the things we love other people love command sometimes they don’t.

A man’s inclination towards revenge -is an indication of his lack of love for all of humanity. Of course someone who has no include nation towards revenge in a situation where one might think it appropriate does not necessarily coming from a place of love. Emotionlessness, indifference are the antithesis of love.

A man who murdered someone who molested his baby baby -it’s to be understandable [in part]. All JESUS asks to be forgiven is repentance [acts of PENANCE in most cases as well] -man on the other hand… For some men asking forgiveness for doing harm to a person who has harmed them and those they love so severely is more difficult than a prison sentence and therefore, time served. How many people go to prison for committing in a crime when in fact they have done such a thorough act of repentance and regret in their heart that there should be no further punishment in the eyes of God? How many people are set free from prison having never suffered [internally] for their actions? YOU SEE? GOD VERSUS MAN?

Good men place their personal feelings aside or largely rely upon them -as the case may be.

Sometimes patients, tolerance, understanding get you things you don’t want.

One way of telling what a man’s emotional level is where multiple levels are is by the age of and the emotional level of the women hes attracted to.

A lot of women don’t deal too well with a man being too kind to them, but when you’re not they complain. Women need to address this emotional or psychological inconsistency.

Maybe I’m the one that doesn’t get it.

There’s an old saying, “I guess you must like it, or I guess it must not be that bad if you stay”.

Some people lack the ability to tell it like it is and some people lack the ability not to.

People, places, things, GOD, self – These are pretty much the things that motivate us. The things any right minded person would likely act based upon. 1st and foremost we either act for ourselves or for others, end in some cases with some people for God. Some people act in the interest of things, like our planet. When it comes to things it could be anything really but as I said, right minded people. And of course far too many people act based upon self above all else.

Would you kill millions of people for power? Power to live the life your accustomed to? I’m not talking about power to survive I’m talking about power to sustain a certain quality of life you desire – you see there’s a difference.

I have suffered a lot but I’ve never suffered well. Suffered with dignity?

I know I’m not as bad a guy as I used to be; but I don’t think I’m as good a guy as I hoped I’d be. But maybe the story’s not over just yet.

If Putin is the crook many governments in the West are portraying him to be, then why not bribe him? Some claim hes been stealing from the Russian people for a decade or so now. That 10 billion dollars or whatever it’s costing for this Ukraine war, we could have given it to Putin. Saved lives. Of course nobody else would have made a ton of money if we were have avoided this war. No, once again something doesn’t sound right except for the part where maybe it was more profitable to have A-war than to give all the money to Putin and still I’m end up with the same result. What do you think mankind is? If Putin is who they say he is -then I say there are many of them in the world. And on both sides of the Atlantic.

The world in relation to the universe was created in such a fashion to ensure that the whole world can never sleep all at once. Never sin all at once never; never cease to sin all at once. And, someone is always on watch!

Relationships are messy even when they are not physical.

There are a lot of conflicting things going on at the top chains of our structures in civilization. A lot of things that seem to matter don’t, and a lot of things that matter to us don’t matter to somebody else -in the grand scheme of things. We look at the people making these decisions with disgust because they don’t have the same value system. Strangely enough, often times we find ourselves making similar judgments with regard to GOD’S judgment making. A lot of things we seem to care about GOD doesn’t seem to make a priority. GOD doesn’t seem to require the same outcome we would have. Of course it would be ridiculous to accuse GOD of not caring, only of “a deeper insight” and “for the greater/ultimate good! God’s gotta speak in every regard. In terms of care hes got his beat across-the-board. In terms of deeper insight sometimes man simply lacks deeper caring rather than deeper insight. And as far as the greater/ultimate good goes, man often has some rather queer ideas on that.

If GOD wills it nothing can prevent it, and; if GOd doesn’t will it nothing can make it be otherwise.

Our own little world of humans where we decide who matters and who doesn’t. Where we as individuals decide -and where the world at large decide.

…If you care to spend your time and money reacting to the problem rather than resolving it. Well there’s money in resolving problems there’s probably more money and reacting to them. Playing with them repeatedly. Wrestling with them repeatedly

How much of the taxpayer’s money did we spend pursuing DB Cooper and the $200000 he stole? If you’re not gonna invest the money to ensure you capture the individual that why spend any at all? Is this one of those prison things where appearance and reputation are everything?

If you cannot see people as people then maybe you shouldn’t look at them, maybe you shouldn’t get too involved with them. You’d be surprised how many people…

GOD didn’t give us gifts or blessings simply to build our own private empires -BUT MAN YOU SEE… Everything works out for everyone if we follow GOD’S plan.

Maybe I’m the one that doesn’t get it.

In order for there to be a new world order there has to be a new change, significant change to the world. What better way to create change, especially change where by people would be resistant to it, then to make them feel threatened feel threatened or through certain tragedy. Let’s face it, people aren’t gonna give up s*** without a fight or unless you convince them to do so in their own best interest. Which is exactly what we’re saying. It’s the human mechanism. Just as what’s driving other people to bring about this change is also a human mechanism. Basic as always. No higher principles involved there. No faith.

Every time you walk out your front door there are always going to be opportunities, justifiable reasons for opening up your mouth -don’t!

Mankind destroyed things he did not create and therefore cannot recreate. But he can destroy things and recreate them which he created. Just as GOD can!

There can be only one thing worse than losing a child or someone you love, being the one who killed them.

It’s not always what you’ve done wrong but how you react after people find out you’ve done them wrong that determines where they will go from there.

This country used to be an example to the rest of the world, now it’s just “template” -and a very bad one at that

Some people love to choose a side and then hate.