GOD grants each of us gifts -gifts to be used to assist us in our survival and to assist us in making the world a better place. And what do we do, we turn survival into avarice, greed, excess. And do we make the world a better place with that resource garnering power we’ve been granted. That’s what gifts do, they grant us a little bit of power don’t they? But instead of making the world a better place we make our lives a better place [than it already is by improving on GOD’S perfect plan] which often results in problems that somewhere down the road ensue -because that was never the intended purpose of these gifts from the start! The way the story goes is GOD has granted us everything we need on this planet. Everything for disease. Everything for starvation and hunger if we use our gifts to benefit one another instead of heaping it on ourselves. Women using their beauty to find a man to live lavishly in the name of so-called security. Men using their intellects to attract the most beautiful women and granting them the most lavish lifestyles and giving little nothing to the needy thus offsetting the existing imbalance in the world – But no, men and women largely choose to use their gifts to serve themselves in the name of their families, taking their own credit all the while, justifying their choices by saying it is by their own hands [or bodies and looks] that they have what they have and why should they give it away. If it wasn’t so damaging it would be almost comical, the idea that what we have is ours and ours alone to do it as we see fit and that God had no hand in it and therefore has no right to ask us to part with these things things we value so much, if they even believe there to be a God.

GOD always has granted us woven into the creation of this universe an outlook that will diffuse most perceived negative or toxic experiences we have in it. For example “everything GOD has allowed in the universe he has allowed with good reason”.

Imagine being introduced to somebody the day you were both born, growing up together, getting married, spending your entire lives together, dying together. How wonderful is that?

Based on these writings some might argue I really don’t know how the world works. That I’m setting my self up for a fall. Do you think JESUS didn’t know how the world worked? Judas claimed all the time that HE didn’t. That HE was naive and innocent. In my case you’re probably right, I don’t know how the world works.

The right attitude and outlook can squelch a lot of potential heartache brought on by the world.

Alot of women end up settling for a regular guy -wisdom and experience dictate the choices they make later in contrast to earlier in life? I’M NO REGULAR GUY!

In order to hide GOD, satan himself must remain elusive.

One thing that is not a conspiracy theory is that there are people in power, seemingly normal people who who overtime change. They’re limits with regard to their thirst for power or endless. These are highly capable and cunning cunning people who have the abilities to go places we can only dream of and also seemingly undetected. The world has more than just a few people like this. The question is where can all this end up with people such as this lurking amongst us? It’s? The answer is not a good one.

We see a lot of changes going on in our planet and this was one of the promises made with regard to the new world order. We’re all being spied upon globally. We see apocalyptic things taken shape on our planet. I bet they never told you in Bible school that it would not be God bringing the plagues upon the planet but man himself. Well there are certainly a lot of changes going on on our planet with this new world order. Greed and materialism are at an old time high. Morality and honesty are falling through the floor. Politicians themselves more and more are the problem rather than the solution.

GOD always makes things up to me when man tries to take more than his share – Of course HE doesn’t always go by my standard -gven that I too can be a selfish creature and that I don’t always think in accordance with my own ultimate best interests I’ve seen through GOD’S eyes.

Is the system ever wrong? As far as following the guidelines in place it appears that that is rare. As far as the policies themselves that are put into place one could argue quite easily delete that it is very wrong in many cases.

You know it appears to me that when you’re in the system that they have a pecking order, in order calm a women and children 1st and then men last in this state. I have a cousin who has 2 children under 5 and they get a $1000 a month and food stamps and she works. A male on social security in this state gets 123 dollars a month. 333 for a woman, 333 for a 4 year old, and 333 for a 2 year old and 123 for say a 40 year old male. REALLY????? Seems to me that the people at the top are always real good that making sure that the men at the bottom pay pay to ensure that women and children come. What about the men at the top? JUST BECAUSE YOU ARE NOT ON DISABILITY, JUST BECAUSE YOU PAY YOUR OWN WAY, JUST BECAUSE YOU MAKE THE RULES, doesn’t exempt you from also sacrificing to enure WOMEN AND CHILDREN COME FIRST! Are we clear?????