Some generations shouldn’t be afforded the right -because they haven’t the maturity or the level-headedness [depth] to usher in the next phase of human-evolution. CAN’T YOU TELL!

For better or for worse, we all tend to have characteristics which either draw or our fellow human being. Being good or bad is no guarantee of either. HOW ODD!

Fate? Some people can’t screw things up no matter how hard they try. I guess that goes for everyone depending on your definition of screw up. No matter how bad we screw up we all end up where we’re supposed to? Unfortunately for most of us not where we would like to end up.

That’s the wonderful yet threatening thing about the truth is that it doesn’t pick a side. It flies in the face of one of the greater and lesser qualities of man.

All this reserved posturing in public when in fact a full 90% of society between the ages of 12-80 place sex among their highest of interests! Along with the resentment, and judgment of others, their is perhaps no greater contrast between thought, feeling, and outward appearance [show].

Based on certain actors biographies, it just goes to show that many people prefer the good along with the bad rather than something in between [dull, unprovoked, beyond their sense of (self) worth].

People would rather rely on money than one another for safety and security and happiness, and misery. They would rather work long hours earning money than work long hours working on a stable unified human race. Not that there’s any comparison between money and human unity, because there isn’t -hands down! And yet people persist in relying on money for security and for security and happiness. Act of the matter is if money is your preferred method over your fellow human being then you only increase the chance of being harmed and alone to face life with your little bucket of money. What do people do when the money system fails? They either pray on each other or band together. Back to square one. Why not band together while you have money fools? SHAKES HIS HEAD! Are people really that stupid??? I have been the outsider all my life and even I know such basic things as these.


Apparently what’s most important to God isn’t even who you are but who you can become. Or who you are buried underneath that exterior.

I used to think not liking mankind in general, well many aspects of it/them, was just -even justified. In spite of the fact that nothing has really changed really changed with regard to mankind itself, I find this attitude now to be an obstacle. An obstacle to becoming, reverting back to who God would have me be.

One thing that violent and aggressive people have in common almost invariably is they believe themselves to be victims. With the exception perhaps but I doubt it, of those who want to bully simply because they enjoy it.

There are people who can love others but they cannot love themselves. There are many others who claim to love others but do not, because they do not even love themselves.

Many people are under the illusion they care more than GOD – About others, their families…

Some people love because of how or who a person is and some people love in spite of how or who a person is.

What is in the heart is what comes out of a person. The heart is like a fireplace with a chimney, and what you put in it and burn is what comes out of the top chimney. What we think and feel and perceive and translate or transmit to the heart which is a burning fire in most people comes out of us. Whatever we have transmitted will likely be what comes out into the world irregardless, after the fact, If we do not like what is coming out -it will likely be too late. Our only recoint course will be to restock the stove with finer materials, purer materials.

By now most of us are aware of the fact that things such as our cars are killing our ozone. But as far as I can tell the wheels of Commerce continue continued turning. People continue buying their weekly allotment of gasoline calm of the oil companies continue receiving their weekly allotment of block meant of billions of dollars, and our ozone continues to receive its weekly allotment of what’s choking it. What in the h*** is wrong with us? Some people say they have no choice they need to to survive drive their cars. Well what would happen if you stopped driving your car? You would die of starvation, the ozone would receive a break in recovering, there would be fewer people to drive their cars in the future to pump more poison into the atmosphere, and may become just maybe your children and your children’s children may just have a chance at a reasonable quality of life. You who claim to be so concerned about your children and your children’s children, what are you willing to give up now for them later?

I gather JESUS never cared much for pickiness. Show me anywhere in The Bible where HE complained about food or lodging, weather, or the company HE kept. I have a relative who every time you make a move they have to instruct you. The soft dreams gotta be just so cold. The soups gotta be just so warm. The fork has to be the lighter one. The food in the microwave has to be covered every time -and she will frequently remind you of that. The number of things she prefaces when you are in her midst is aggravating.

With GOD inside of a child it is amazing just how much they can STILL be misled by our example and our teaching.

Who am I to criticize question? Given my 58 years on this planet just how much of a difference have I made in making the world a better place in comparison to my potential?Probably about 2%.

There are a lot of things that I don’t know how to look at. There are a lot of things my negative experiences have skewed. Things ordinary, level headed people look at and feel towards life and humanity I seem to struggle with or lack considerably.

Some people absolutely cannot believe it while some people absolutely believe in it.

Teach your children to protect and care for their teeth after all they’re not indestructible-in fact many children may not be aware of. Along with the fact that they only get 2 sets -after that…

Man the manipulator. If it’s a free trial why do they need my credit card information up front? If I decide not to sign up after it ends then it will automatically end. But if the free trial lapses and I forget to tell them I do not want it then it will charge my card. πŸ€”

Love and kindness and thoughtfulness are not enough for some women – Some would rather have less of the above and a nice house to live in.

The length people have gone to throughout history to find comfort, to stay comfortable. JESUS taught us many a lesson about the value of being uncomfortable. Unfortunately for many of us it hasn’t caught on. Particularly in this country.

…But a person who tramples over others in order to attain or remain in the manner of comfort to which they are accustomed or desirous of…

2 things tell you a h*** of a lot about people especially if you can cross cross reference both. They’re attitude and how giving or selfish they are.

How many women I’ve met in the Heat of Passion [HOP] who feel everything and then afterwards feel nothing? I had it all wrong about women from movies from the thirties forties and fifties.

I guess if one is to eliminate expectations of others -one must eliminate any ideas of what is appropriate or decent. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

Which is more honorable; A dictator who lies about his or her intentions or a dictator who is straightforward?

If you claim to be a democracy. And the people’s will is not in line with your policies [to the point of wanting you out], then where’s the problem?

We no longer look to nature but to other human beings for our survival? Not necessarily a wise thing. When people started building the infrastructure of this country… Whether they knew or not… They were lining themselves up…

Humanity demands certain things from us. While Jesus was among us this was no exception. I wonder how much of who we are, our mannerisms, our choices have to do with that? You can tell the people who do this effectively from the people who don’t do it effectively by their they their lives and their successes and their failures and the quality of their lives and whether they are lonely or not. Jesus had to simplify his life, He knew he was not gonna be greatly successful due in part to his lack of respect for certain aspects of humanity. I was told once by a man I worked for that you have to play the game with humanity otherwise people will put a hurting on you.

One of the hardest things to do is to convince people that that the truth they believe in is not the truth and thus trying to administer to administer to them the real truth. GODcouldn’t do it and he was GOD. As for we puny mortals, man always resorts to the notion that his fellow man at best is no better than he is and therefore no more knowledgeable – Of course in many cases he sees his fellow man as inferior, which doesn’t help the cause in the least.

Apparently, if a person has a lot going for them including a bad reputation, a lot of people still want in. How is it that an actor for example the very bad reputation with the women, comma reputation known openly, can still attract a woman? Can still attract numerous women? Being married and can still attract women in droves? Apparently that which is appealing is too hard to resist in spite of the thorns accompanying it. This is that which is unappealing it’s too hard to convince one of the advantages when it lacks the thorns.

Instead of looking for credit for the things you do in life how bout giving GOD credit for giving you the ability to do those things you do.

As a flawed species, <-that is to say “without exception”, you would expect for there to be mistakes strewn everywhere throughout humanities endeavors. Even in the best of efforts humanity can’t seem to eliminate error from itself. Organizations, top organizations cannot seem to do so. Of course some of the problem if you can characterize it as flawed has to do with interconflict between people regarding the agendas themselves. Some people have a conscience while others don’t. Some people see the truth for what it is while others don’t. Some people seem to have a genuine concern while others don’t.

I was told many years ago that I have an issue with recognizing is recognizing social cues. But awareness doesn’t seem to be my problem. “He was antisocial because he knew society was crap”. This about a highly revered actor. I don’t think I pick up on social cues because I don’t have much respect for the human race in general. One very ingrained experience. My childhood is that of people not having much regard for me, my feelings, my needs. It’s unfortunate that my response to such an experience was to act in kind.

A lot of people try and fail. I believe I fail through a lack of trying. I also believe I fail because I’m anti-establishment. I do things differently from/against the establishment because I have a great deal of contempt for it. And I’m not alone apparently.

Now repeat after me, “You’re not a victim, you’re just a good person living in a world where many people don’t know how to appreciate or treat good people”.

Most of us have to have some kind of compromised consciousness or conscience in order to make the decisions we make.

A lot of people don’t know what they’re doing they’re just collecting a paycheck out of desperation or selfishness.

How do you make sense of all this? You got people in the world who are trying to do good. You got people in the world who are trying to do good but because they have no idea what they’re doing they’re actually doing more harm than good. Then you have people who are giving the appearance of doing good but what they’re really doing is attempting to serve themselves. Then you have people who are giving the appearance of doing good but what they’re really doing is attempting to do bad.

Everyone who tries to do God’s word work gets trampled on by the world-and you aint no different. Except maybe in the fact that even though you have been trampled on, you continue to try to do God’s work Most people say the h*** with this. And then they go back to playing Evans. They go back to playing the world’s game and pay the price for it thinking they’re coming out ahead, getting there’s, breaking even.

Man’s constant problem, pretending he is until he really is. Pretending he doesn’t have the history he has. Pretending his fellow man isn’t who he really is. Of course if he didn’t, he might actually feel bad enough to do something about it. All this good he attempts to do, and yet the world continues in decline when one takes the final tally at the end of the day. As I said before, until man becomes a giver rather than a taker this will continue. Whether it’s buying out people who come up with a new way to extend fossil fuels hustle fuels and save the people money in the process and use less use less resulting in pumping less into the atmosphere, Or you and me simply getting in our car and doing many of the things we might better off be without, spting our precious planet the demise of one or two more ozone molecules. Our way a lot of life alone is killing this planet. Nothing sinister about it, It is simply the way we have been brought up. But the damage has been done nonetheless. The ozone doesn’t know the difference between intentional and unintentional damage. But GOD does. And quite frankly I wouldn’t be surprised if the ozone does since it is part of the GOD-conscience.

GOD is the ultimate example God is the ultimate example. Of course his scope lies beyond the boundary boundaries of the laws and principles of the universe. But within the bounds of them his example is an example to all of us.

GOD either wills it or permits it. Is there anything else?

Many women seem to get help-maybe they fought for it for decades. Many men in similar situations do not get help. My cousin for example I guess because she’s their daughter and has 2 kids his kids and had a husband, got bought a house. I who am not their son, but am over there frequently, helping, they talked about buying me a house but it never materialized. And yet I am called upon several times a week, week after a week to assist them in their elderly years. They were going to help me to buy a house and they never. The money has never been mentioned again. Ana says she [my aunt] lied to me. πŸ˜”

GOD can do anything; Man often times will do anything. GOD can succeed every time if he uses any means at HIS disposal. BUT THERE ARE CERTAIN LINES GOD WILL NOT CROSS EVEN IF IT MEANS FAILURE; AND YOU SEE, THAT IS JUST ONE OF THE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN GOD AND MAN. Some men will cross any line with mixed results of course. But always he has to carry it with him -and often does. Sometimes he succeeds and sometimes he doesn’t. But the world is filled with men who carry around something inside for help for having made The Choice to succeed at any cost.

Some people are admired while others are shunned -simply for doing what they were trained or or raised to do. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ˜

The saddest, the most tragic thing about mankind may not be his actions or lack thereof, but rather his unseen, or misguided motives.

Not working together, not being able to rely on one another is 1 of the reasons isn’t for the fear… How’d you say that life outside of paradise would be far more tenable and our fears far more calm if we could only learn to work together, to rely on one another. As much as man hates to be in fear he apparently prefers certain choices which ultimately inflameπŸ”₯ those fears.