Any time a person stumbles across something powerful or lucrative, people want in on it. Or they want to steal ii. Or they want to shut it down. So sick of the routine!

You want to start a revolution keep taking more and more from your fellow man until they can no longer sustain themselves. We’re already walking that line in this country. And the idiots that are trying to do it are very very aware of this line. So they’re manipulating here and there to keep getting more and more and more while avoiding an uprising. Today is going to come when Ben they are going to cross that line because the only other alternative is to cease and be happy with what they have rather than feeding their drug of choice which is more and more. It’s sad the way we human beings gravitate gravitate to such things that bring disharmony and suffering to one another, and eventually violence. But that’s what we people are. If we’re not the source of it we’re standing around watching it we’re too busy to even bother thinking about it.

We all operate on a certain level and make no mistake there are many different levels. Many of us operate on different levels in different areas. It’s the higher level’s GOD is trying to get us to embrace.

As the world starts becoming smaller and smaller expect more and more people to start doing weird s***. Your average person in this country does not have the moral fiber or constitution to deal with adversity straight out. Or to simply suffer through it.

Most hyper vigilant individuals lacking in faith are usually overly concerned about their enemies. One who thinks the United States is just plotting along mining its own business with regard to any country you deem the deems of threat is pretty naive. Anyone who thinks we’re not intruding in any way on any other country we deem as a threat in order to try and… Some of this country concerned about our safety others are concerned with much more. That’s just what it is to be human unfortunately. So again call anyone who thinks United States is not likely overstepping its bounds with regard to other countries in the world… That’s another problem, is individuals and as global yes global neighbors were always justifying our behavior. Do I get to justify my behavior when I’m in a court of law for something I’ve done wrong? WRONG!

How does making sex a priority in your relationship initially or throughout working for you? Anytime we go against God’s perfect plan we will undoubtedly run into imperfect results. How can we jump right into bed with somebody we hardly know? How can we trust them when we hardly know them? How do we know with any confidence that they’re not involved with somebody else or married? How do we know they’re telling the truth about who they’ve been with or how many? I’ve had people in the early going, in the heat of Passion concealed the fact that they had herpes from me. When people don’t know each other that well it’s easier to make decisions this digions that heard others. It gets harder as we get to know people better. But we have to give GOD a chance to work on us that we may do the right thing. When we don’t give GOD this chance we open ourselves up. A lot of people don’t have a problem with making sex the initial priority, or the priority throughout that relationship. But then again a lot of people wouldn’t know the difference between a stone fashioned as an arrow head and a diamond fashioned as an arrow head. Some people have no clue about the various qualities of life and how the decisions they make affect their lives. They wouldn’t know the [moral] difference between treating a woman with the utmost respect and using them as an instrument for their pleasure.

Say what you will about The Bible and its stories; But the teachings on love and peace are irrefutable. The other thing that is irrefutable is that man takes what he doesn’t understand in The Bible and uses it to throw away the ideals which are so perfect that he struggles to apply them in his everyday life. But rather than admit defeat or admit to his own limitations, he criticizes or plays down these incredible teachings. The fact of the matter is that the teachings of The Bible on love and peace are far too difficult for most people to practice in their purest sense. Love everyone? Forgive everyone? Treat others as you would like to be treated? Think of others first? GOD is in control not me? In GOD’S time? Turn the other cheek? Trust in GOD? We’re all equal? Take only as you need? Give to the poor?? MAN’S NOT INTERESTED!

How can we have an opinion about GOD who is perfect? We get confused between perfection and imperfection. We all have opinions about people. The imperfection of others opens up it’s up the possibility that our opinions bear some truth. Of course some people get mixed up with regard to the more imperfect beings versus those who are closer to perfect. They think they can judge anyone with impunity. Recklessly, haphazardly… Anyways back to the original point. We take the liberty of judging God like we would any other human being these days. Man has done this throughout history I suppose. There is no room for opinion with regard to that which is perfect – You either accept it as it is or you don’t. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ God for example made the universe perfect I’m assuming. Without history there have always been opinions, we call these theories, through time, experience, a more open view of things, opinions fall by the wayside venturing ever closer to the truth. Man has to let his ignorance go, his biases go in favor of the [emerging] facts.

Womankind, for all her criticisms of her male counterpart, actually exemplifies the flesh, humanness. Most women have a tendency to love money. Most women have a tendency to look for what the man is gonna do for them as opposed to what they can do for the man. And as far as ego goes… a woman scorned… Not that I’ve known many men, but I’ve known far fewer women who apologize. And nobody’s better at playing a victim than a woman. And if that’s not enough, just ask any woman who’s been around the block what they think of their fellow woman. And one other thing, for a species so critical of their male counterparts, they sure know how to pick them. If women have so much trouble with men and their values and morals then why do they continue going back to those kinds of men? A woman would rather have a screwed up man than a boring one apparently. That is until they get their butts kicked badly enough and enough times, then by the time they hit 40 they’ve more or less resigned themselves to a life with a boring male. Patterns

Why do we have to offer rewards for people to do the right thing, they don’t have the motivation [or moral fiber] to do so without the money? What does that say about our country? These are the people in a country that supposedly are so happy to send millions and billions of dollars to other countries in need? Doesn’t make a lot of sense does it.

With men and women and often comes down to who has the power. Put a woman of power calmer that is great beauty in the middle of a room full of typical males and see see the dynamic at work. Put a powerful man in a group full of beautiful women [women who have most men… πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ] and see the dynamic at work.

Distancing yourself emotionally and mentally is not the same thing as showing patients and tolerance. You have to have some sort of investment in order to show patients or tolerance towards them. Many people who are distant, many people who are indifferent have no need to show patients or tolerance.

Man has demonstrated throughout history many a time that if he doesn’t have to show respect in order to get what he wants he often chooses not to.

We never look down on people, we look up to them as best we are capable, and in spite of their shortcomings.

If you’re 60 leading a mediocre style of healthy living and you have approximately 20 years left based upon that, I estimate you can extend that 5 or 6 more years there’s by living healthy and eating healthy the next 20 years plus plus those 5 or 6. Healthy living for those additional 5 or 6 will probably give me another year.

The world must have been a very nice place before man came along. Fairly consistent. Consistent in so far as what it was intended to be. But not man.

If a person can just master one move perfectly. People are the underestimate or fail to grasp the power of perfection [in the seemingly tiniest of things].

If mankind could learn one thing only-respect. How would our world be changed?

Many of the things Jesus did were in contrast to what we as men would have done. Hear the most common sense things we would have done Jesus seemingly did the opposite of. Would all do well to remember that. Please run out our ways and our ways are not his ways. God has a deeper agenda. God has a more kind agenda.

While the shooting in New York may be an extreme example, the fact of the matter is that a full 3rd of humanity cannot get along with one another. When you think about it, what percentage of people do not get along with everyone? Probably about 90% of us do not get along with everyone because we lack humility in the will to do so. We’re actually taught to use our freedom and our egos tour egos to excuse our inability to get along or to try and get along with everyone -it’s our right! Human beings have different views on the troubles occurring in the. But we all essentially have the same view when it’s happening to us. πŸ€” Whatever happened to fair and balanced news?

Some people think creating more laws and restrictions is the answer to America’s problems-kind of stupid if he ask me. We need to go back to creating the kind of people we had earlier in this country. But that doesn’t seem to be the agenda.

If we’re so concerned about the safety of our citizens and the respecting of the laws of this great country the then why don’t we do so by changing the structure of our society and how it affects up-and-coming generations?. A lot of people do not believe that a devil exists but I tell you this, the direction this country is going in and the choices that it is making and dealing with its problems sure doesn’t cast much doubt on the possibility that something is working to harm humanity severely. Satan may stay out of the picture just enough to pull the majority of us but hes not fooling all of us Satan may stay out of the picture just enough to fool the majority of us but hes not fooling all of us.

Learn the patterns! When someone justifiably attacks or criticizes the system the system turns around and attacks or criticizes them. It’s a child’s game. You might expect that from an individual but from the very system we depend upon? Now that’s scary.

Apparently there’s been good people and bad people from the beginning. Although the 1st 2 were not off to a very good start. It’s horrendous to think that the very 1st 2 people in the world screwed up royally. Not a 100 generations down the road or a 1000, the 1st 2. Whenever you walk out your front door always keep in mind you’re going to run into people with good intentions and people with bad intentions.

You know what’s cool? You know it’s not cool?

Why do dogs never have to wipe their behind? Proper and consistent diet. I noticed sometimes I don’t have to wipe. It would be good during those times to make note of what I ate the night before.

I wonder how many fewer commercials the American public would have to endure if the people behind them were merely trying to make a living like the rest of us instead of trying to..

The gentleman who killed or shocked 10 people in New York City today. The reporting is always about what’s wrong with these people and not what’s wrong with our society. Society is responsible for the people it produces. And if that doesn’t work for you to try this, how many people in this country would like to kill somebody or a group of people in their minds? You think we have a successful society because people don’t do so out of fear of consequences? Out of a diminished sense of right and wrong? The society filled with people who commit crimes in their mind well only a few actually act out on them, do you think that is successful society? People in this country don’t get it. The society is to be considered successful based on what’s more in their head than what’s in their actions. All actions stem from what’s in the head. There are millions of people in this country who would like nothing more than to unleash their anger. A man sends through his thoughts not simply through his action. A man is based upon his thoughts not merely his actions. It’s a man great because he doesn’t act on his thoughts or his feelings because of fear of repercussion or consequence? Not doing wrong because it’s wrong it’s meritorious. Not doing wrong for fear of reprisals is not meritorious. If you’re only interested in keeping the lilons in the cage rather than making sure the lines operate from the highest principles, then you have succeeded I suppose minimally!

One man’s discipline is another man’s obsession [Jew collection].

Why would anyone go along with a system that is more disadvantageous than ad vantages to them?

Boring is better than chaotic isn’t it to? Apparently not to some people.

You fall in love with a diamond ring, you get it sized after the fact, end of story. Will people try to pull this routine with human beings. The 1st mistake is looking at a person like a diamond ring. Their 2nd mistake is thinking they’re going to have it resized after they’ve fallen in love with it.

Past issues in my relationships: women are either too selfish or thoughtless, and I’m too critical.

GOD makes dogs -man makes fake dogs.

There is no way in h*** that entertainment in this country is just about entertainment entertainment to the people paying billions of dollars to watch. To the people who are in awe of the people starring in these movies. It’s about escape it’s about ego.

There is a very thin line between a person wanting to spend more time with you and that person being tired of being around you [wanting their space].

Less & Less [less brash, but less vulnerable].


Would you kill somebody innocent in order to prevent someone you love from being killed? If the answer is yes then you should rethink your answer very careful. RETHINK who you are.

Some people use the world to establish they’re place, their ascension, their evolution. Not all though. In order to thrive in the world. In order to reach the place you perceive as what do you want to be, your evolution must reflect production of those results. Of course the [any] particular environment [uniquely determines] which affects that agenda or vision determines to the extent and how you will have to evolve.

You will never be big enough by becoming bigger. The only way you will ever be big enough is by becoming smaller.

JESUS says that the whole of the 10 commandments can be summed up in loving God and your neighbors. But if you did not learn how to love by an early age in the home [worst still having learned to despise and mistrust], how difficult will it be to learn the greatest of these 10 commandments in a cold, indifferent, and at times cruel world? I’m finding out the answer to that question 1st hand.

Some people are better off single and some people are better off in relationships. Unfortunately some of these people are in relationships and some of these people are single.

You don’t need to have a lot of money to walk on a beach. And GOD forbid the day we do.

It’s strange how people decide who doesn’t end doesn’t belong. It wouldn’t be so strange if we were talking about an Apple versus an Orange but since we’re talking about 2 apples -it’s very strange to me. How can an Apple not fit with an Apple?

When we’re not feeling right or something we feel is missing, most times there is in fact something that will turn that feeling or sense around. Unfortunately, most of the time most of us don’t know what that something is. So we just kind of fumble through that “experience” [on the TV at that moment].

That’s our government’s solution to our growing problems in the world, watch everyone. Or is it something more sinister [as opposed to benign] with regard to watching everyone? Is it in itself a problem -watching everyone?