If forming relationships with other human beings are so important, right up there with survival itself, and why are so many people alone in the world? How can I be so?

If JESUS HIMSELF were on a street corner in modern day America preaching the word of GOD [in disguise of course], How many people would stop and take notice? If HE claimed to be JESUS HIMSELF how many people would stop and take notice?

1)You see without the miracles and the resurrection, most people would have thought little of JESUS sadly.

2) The word of God should be so be so revered in each of us that no matter who it comes from it should have the power of the entire universe impacting us.

3) So if you, or I, or JESUS were sitting on a corner speaking THE WORD OF GOD, we should have the exact same response from any human being. But human beings are clearly less concerned or in awe of God’s word then they are tangible miracles which I suppose is poses where we place most of our importance on. Tangibility in the universe. Our tangible bodies. Are tangible minds.This should not be so.

Are you against what’s normal? A rebel? To the extent it’s killing you.

If you cannot be happy for other people and their successes how can you be happy for your own? Certain parts of our humanity may work that way but others DO NOT!

If we give our word to somebody who is in the wrong should we honor that word? If we give somebody our word and we were wrong for doing so should we keep our word?

If you really think about it people don’t know much and they are not in any position mission to play themselves above horrible it’s above or below any othe, And yet it happens all the time that we decide for our selves, based upon the puny little power we think we hold in the world, WHAT AND WHOM…. REALLY????? We’ll just keep on going the way you’re going.

People show patterns when they want something from people. And people show patterns when they want something for themselves.

You see patterns and movies and you see patterns in life. The movie business is a business who will start there. Through trial-and-error you figure out what works and what doesn’t work in terms of what people are willing to pay and not pay for to see. Once you figure out what they are willing to pay for then you hone that pattern. Wife on the other hand is filled with people who who are seeking, who are searching for certain things and therefore there is a noticeable pattern in there both both pattern and their motivations common their agenda’s, in their actions. Of course people all go about it differently -that is attaining those wants and needs and perceived needs.

If you’re meek and humble and show your intentions to be benign you should get along with the vast majority of people.

The more you bring to the table the more people will be drawn to you, but not necessarily once they get to know you.

You play by the rules of society social and otherwise -otherwise you’re an outcast. JESUS is a fine example. HE managed to find a nitch like many of us do. But it’s a very good example of how if you don’t play ball on other people’s terms, you don’t get to play ball. Now JESUS did manage to find a following, a group that HE was accepted by, because you could say he played ball with those people according to what they had in their hearts, what made sense to them. Even if you’re JESUS, if you don’t correlate with what’s in people’s hearts, correlate with what makes sense to them, you’re not gonna be accepted. That’s the way it is with human beings. JESUS may have been the only exception to have ever walked the earth.

The people who are in a position to throw their ideas views beliefs leaves out to the world are the ones who generally make an impact. Most of us will never know what it’s like to be in that position or have our views thoughts believes perspectives inspectives heard on a large scale. The sad thing is that many people were whether they have twisted views or beliefs or perspectives to perspectives who are still in this position to throw them out globally still impact vast numbers of people. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

There’s few things more disheartening than having tremendous wisdom and insight and not being able to apply it in your own life. πŸ˜”

2 ways of missing out on GOD’S plan that can also work in unison: Being open to what GOD doesn’t want for us and being closed to what GOD does want for us.

Human beings. We look around. We See. We feel. We don’t feel. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

Most people seem to look for a certain type, or certain types of people*. So if you don’t fit into that category or those categories at a glories your chances are reduced are reduced in so far as being accepted. Accepted on the job, accepted as a friend, accepted as a partner in a relationship. You don’t decide who find you acceptable other people do. Otherwise the world would be a very different place -or would it?

*And then when they think they found them they get to know them a little bit better and then are disappointed in most cases. But people always go back to the initial impressions. Which is why many of the people they would probably hit it off with never even get a chance.

What is it to be a good partner? As well as far as the man goes being a good provider Being able to open up emotionally. Understanding the needs of the person you’re with. Being espectful and considerate. We men struggle with different areas. A lot of the men who are able financially seem to struggle oftentimes oftentimes with the emotional aspects of the relationship. It’s as if in order to be able to perform successfully in the world we have to kind of subdue our emotional investments to to survive and that carries over into the home. I’ve known people like that through observation.

“A woman’s right to choose” sounds like a tag line to “nobody’s going to tell me what I can and cannot do”. Abortion isn’t about defiance or about rights or freedom of choice! But it might be about control [power/empowerment]. Hmmmm πŸ€”, it seems to me I’ve heard that word control thrown around with regard to another issue which is fairly prevalent among American society. The “R” word. When you try to take somebody’s power away or they feel that they are at the weak end of the power dynamic, they will try to assert themselves will they not? They will try and shift the imbalance of power even when they are [knowingly] in the wrong. Human nature?

The big fish use the little fish to catch more little fish.

Put a stop to the sinning GOD and there will be no more need for expiation GOD.

I might have mentioned this before: It seems peculiar to me that it doesn’t matter whether you’re a good person or a bad person, in the vast majority of cases the only requirement for owning your own home is money. One of the most sacred and cherished things dependent on one of the filthiest, disconsoling… -ever sleep in a bed full of money? Ever wrap your arms around a bag full of it? It’s not very warming or reciprocal in its’ affections.

There’s 2 kind of people in the world: The ones that lean towards getting along with others, and; the ones that lean away from getting along with others.

What do you think about a not so good looking woman with an absolutely awesome fighting, loving spirit!

Whenever there is money to be made, big money involved, almost invariably most human beings will begin the process of justifying whatever the process or action necessary to get that money, perform that job, and for as long as they are able.

I’ve been a slave to a slave. I’ve worshipped people who are not even worthy of being… I’ve given my power over and subordinated myself to people who themselves have subordinated themselves to people who are not even worthy to…

Some people have no clue in this country regarding the meaning of. At the end of the day they sit home shooting off their mouth about things…

Do you suppose most people are grateful for their somewhat uncomfortable surroundings? Somewhat less than Aacceptable home? Neighborhood? Car? Because the fact of the matter is most people in this country do not live where or in what they would like to. That’s enough a lot of ingratitude.

The people born here should be granted a parcel of land and the people moving in from out of the country should be made to buy proper.

If you make everything even among man, certain individuals will eventually forfeit while other individuals are individuals will certainly manipulate to bring imbalance once again. The inept and the overzealous will always create imbalance no matter how hard we try to create balance.

Most people nowadays will choose their job over what’s right -when faced with that decision.

There is something inherently amiss about people doing wrong even when they believe in their heart of hearts they’re doing right! GOD And lying is never a sign that you truly believe in what you’re doing.

According to the movie “Unplanned”, women were not making a free choice, they were being manipulated.

The problem with the old adage “knowing right from wrong” is that many people can’t or won’t think for themselves when somebody they believe is in higher [an] authority is in charge.

I guess since so far as marriage goes there’s no such thing as a wrong person, and therefore no such thing as a right person, since GOD has deemed that in the vast majority of cases once you marry someone you are to remain dedicated to them for the remainder of your life. The principles and the necessary changes we make in ourselves and ourselves in order to make that relationship work I guess is what matters above just about all else. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

When people start feeling their relationship is going South, I don’t think nearly enough of us begin to look at what we need to change in ourselves [as our first option]. Under the vast majority of situations we can only change ourselves πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

The worst thing that can happen to a human being is to stop feeling and stop caring. We seem to be producing people like that in numbers, in droves in this country. Fast paced. Being bombarded continually with the news and with shock movies that leave us numbed or as if this or that is as normal as buttering the toast for morning breakfast. No species can function properly or survive survive when there level of feeling and caring is compromised significantly.

The world’s got to have people with no brain and no heart in order to balance good with evil, right with wrong.