If forming relationships with other human beings are so important, right up there with survival itself, and why are so many people alone in the world? How can I be so?
If JESUS HIMSELF were on a street corner in modern day America preaching the word of GOD [in disguise of course], How many people would stop and take notice? If HE claimed to be JESUS HIMSELF how many people would stop and take notice?
1)You see without the miracles and the resurrection, most people would have thought little of JESUS sadly.
2) The word of God should be so be so revered in each of us that no matter who it comes from it should have the power of the entire universe impacting us.
3) So if you, or I, or JESUS were sitting on a corner speaking THE WORD OF GOD, we should have the exact same response from any human being. But human beings are clearly less concerned or in awe of God’s word then they are tangible miracles which I suppose is poses where we place most of our importance on. Tangibility in the universe. Our tangible bodies. Are tangible minds.This should not be so.