Trust GOD regarding HIS plan not regarding your plan. This is where many people lose faith because they expect GOD to Succeed with their plans. In essence they believe that their faith deserves GOD’S loyalty. Pompous bastards.
GOD’S plan often means the sacrifice of our plan.
Everyone has a different set of tools and abilities with regard to those tools to deal with various areas of life. So a person with a s***** attitude versus a person with a good attitude may be due to their ability versus inability to deal with certain aspects of life better than others. Some people are very adaptive earning money so money is not an issue for them while with many others this is not the case. 2 reasons people are bitter in this country, the inability to make money -> poverty, and the inability to deal with other people and their personalities and issues. And the people who suffer from both issues, that is being weak in both areas tend to be the most bitter.
People who are victims which also have big egos are the most dangerous people.
People who are humble and trusting trusting tend to be more friendly than people who are arrogant and untrusting.
I’d love a job with lo low hours and high pay. They $500 a week at $50 an hour for 10 hours. Truly there’s gotta be a job out there like that.
What if you took square square foot of space and projected it outward in the space till you reached the end of space, How many planets would you intersect and stars another heavenly bodies? A million? Now you multiply that times how many circles of 1′ there are and your complete circumference.
Ultimate sanity is concern for the soul, concern for the hereafter!
People who act out almost always have issues!