Incidently, bad things happen to bad people as well. Probably more frequently.

Need and ego combined make powerful foes for full pose even though each of them in their own right is formidable.

We live in an existence where people are selfish and limited -largely stemming from our nature and circumstance. God on the other hand is neither selfish nor selfish nor limited – however based upon his nature and circumstance, there too are we as individuals forced to endure that which we would prefer not to. God’s nature is to operate from principle above all else. And based upon the original act or transgression or transgression against God’s perfect plan, the restitution and the purification and the ongoing imperfect state brought about having gravely distorted our perfect nature, and HIS perfect world, THESE ARE OUR LOT -AND THE CARDS WE DEALT TO HIM!

When you are an animal among animals and you choose to no longer be an animal among animals who choose to remain animals -the experience can be almost as bad as choosing to remain an animal among animals.

If people are unwilling to act accordingly in their jobs for example. The external requirements mean nothing to them. Then most certainly their internal values and beliefs are all the more suspect. Imagine such a person in a personal environment with their equals if they have no regard for authority, their betters.

DO NOT NEED something that has little or nothing to offer. Placing your reliance on something that has little or nothing to offer…

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