What do you suppose is the highest earning job out there you are capable of performing at successfully? This is about question for every human being. Then decided that’s the job you are willing to do. It may not be. The biggest problem for many people is that they shoot low even though they think they’re shooting high. Many people shoot low thinking that’s all they can… Everybody has a top or a ceiling with regard to how much they can make and perform those tasks well. Most people never realize that potential though. Some issues involve competition and and some issues involve the competition itself trying to discourage others. It’s trying to derail them as well. When you get into a situation whether it’s a job, or as a man going after a woman where there is a lot of competition, you really learn a lot about humanity.

There are a lot of jobs out there that aren’they don’t manually difficult or even that require one to be a genius in order to perform the tasks required. They just need for a person to show up and be there and to do what needs to do and. Some of these jobs pair h*** of a lot of money.

*You don’t do drugs or drink

*You seem to have demonstrated a responsibility to show up

*And as my brother put it once you’re far from the least capable individual out there; so I should be able to fare fairly well among the competition

* Not every high paying job requires higher education. It’s simply a matter of what the job calls for and how much money is involved in the project itself. Again, some projects require no higher education and there is a lot of money involved. A lot of money to go around. And of course for you work for has a lot to do with it as well. Some people are greedy as h*** and some people are generous as h***. Most people are somewhere in the middle.

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