There may be more to whatever it is that exists then simply this moment we live in; but nonetheless I think it’s important that we live in the moment and make it the very best we can; If we cannot do that then I think the least we can do is save her it’s savor whatever happens to be in that moment. This is very important for a number of reasons but the one that comes to mind is the importance of man’s state and how it hinges upon his search for… A restless, irritable, discontented man is bound to sin eventually.

Don’t go too high emotionally don’t go too low. A person who soars too high has a tendency once he once he has reached such a height for everyday things which should ordinarily be cherished to be either taken for granted or worse yet regarded as unworthy, beneath them, useless, worthless, meaningless.

If you see what the people were like that Jesus visited after his resurrection, and we look at who we are and what we are like, now we know why GOD doesn’t show us the ultimate favor.

Many people believe that they have sinned far too badly to be forgiven by GOD. As a consequence they refrain refrain from the one thing that will grant them GOD’S DIVINE MERCY -SINCERE REPENTANCE!!! If you don’t believe me, God would have spared Judas had he only asked!

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