Some people seem to have a major issue with disrespect. Some with regard to not receiving it, others with regard to not giving it. Let’s face it, practically all of the world’s issues regarding regarding violence and conflict would be eliminated be eliminated if but one if but ONE word in the dictionary were eliminated from mankind’s lexicon, from his arsenal of conduct/treatment towards his fellow man, and himself for that matter; that word is “DISRESPECT” [or lack of respect if you prefer]!
Some women like men who are wolves, some women do not. Most women only like men who are wolves -once they have been given the green light to proceed further. Most women love to be ravaged so long as it is being done so by a man they have granted permission to do so. Although I do think a certain percentage of women get off on being ravaged either way -documentation, albeit controversial, seems to support this.
That’s what makes it so difficult to learn mankind and act appropriately -is the vast sea of differences among us among us. You have to be a master to navigate people who are willing and unwilling, people who are offended and people who smile and laugh at certain gestures… Hell even if you adopt the principles of God and his son Jesus, you’re going to offend certain people. I had a woman lecture me for opening a door for her lol Another one for calling her ma’am lol