It’s always raining somewhere in the world. And it’s always not raining somewhere in the world. Patterns!
If you live a clean life most of your life, mama chances are by the time you get to around 60 years old come barring any genetic dispositions to the contrary, you may find yourself in pretty good shape and ready to go another 20 or 30 years. But it isn’t all about that! One must think about The Times they are heading into. Looking at the direction the world and this country have been going in drip by drip, day-by-day, I almost wish… I can’t even say it 😔
If you live through World War II as a teenager or younger, you’ve probably enjoyed the greatest years this country has had to offer. The consummation of Christian morals, the industrial age at its peak, people still more or less trusting and friendly towards one another, barring a few hiccups… The 70s, 80s, 90s too? But now…:
1)The industrial age is finally caught up with us; We’re obviously destroying this planet [weather change];
2) Many a man feels that there brand of morals is better than GOD’S; GOD’S dissapointnent is starting to show [biological threats from man, nature];
3) At least in this country we act like we no longer need each other, we no longer trust each other [we fill those emotional voids with all sorts of addictions, and materialism];
4) And we’ve gone from an attitude in this country of being willing to give our own lives before we give up our freedoms, to giving up our freedoms rather than give up our own lives. MY MY HOW THE TIMES HAVE CHANGED! We couldn’t keep with what was working. No matter what, there are always gonna be things wrong even in the best of times calm even in the best of moments. What’s happening in this country reminds me of the alcoholic in recovery who took a drink because his daughter got sick but she got better and he remained drunk because he could no longer stop. Sometimes you just have to write things out. And when trying to fix what’s broken, you never fix what’s working, only what’s not working. I PREDICT WE HAVE SOME EVEN HARDER LESSONS COMING VERY SOON! People in Hollywood for instance keep pushing the gay thing in commercials and movies in direct violation of GOD’S teaching. No regard whatsoever for impressionable children. And for whatever reason we continue pumping pollution into the atmosphere which we already know by now is destroying it rather than shutting down cars and factories -tell me what good all these things are if we don’t have a planet to support life anymore? Don’t you even care about your own generations to come, what kind of a future if any, they’re going to have? 😔