Alot of us men need to be less concerned with how a woman looks, and more concerned with what’s in the pit of her soul.

I think there are big parts of me missing, parts that normally form with a balanced, proper upbringing. Were these pieces in place, would they interfere with my ability to write, to contact that place where they come from? I don’t know 🤷‍♂️

Trying to bring truth, sanity to a world gone mad is both dangerous and disheartening. All I want is to go do things with my Ana -I miss her, and those things so much. Our time a month ago in Phoenix was such a refreshing experience -and now, it’s back to a life of being by myself again. I had a conversation with my aunt yesterday – Reflecting on that conversation today has left me feeling shakened and frightened. She only sees what she wants to see the way she wants to see it. I cannot make her see the pain she causes me and others. Why GOD?

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