Many women whether they know it or not, whether they admit to it or not are looking for a father figure in a relationship the relationship as one dimension of it. It is evident to me that with regard to Anna, I lack the requisite qualities to fulfill that need. Her husband for all he lacks, apparently doesn’t like this quality entirely. I’m sad! The impact of one’s childhood probably does not cease until one dies. If there’s one thing I regret more than anything at this moment in my life regarding my childhood it’s my inability to be the kind of man this woman needs me to be. 🤷‍♂️😔

By circumstance or by choice we are highly limited by the things we experience going on in the world. GOD on the other hand hasn’t the luxury. Since the dawn of man he has endured every single act, thought, attitude, negation. communication.

Someone in a relationship is generally inferior in what they have to offer, who they are, who they aspire to be (come). It’s where that people are more or less entirely compatible.

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