You can keep selling things to a bunch of people who are content. We’re on a treadmill that needs to come to an end. I’ve bought things in Dublin triple that I already have simply to feed that need that America wants to keep growing hes throwing rather than shrinking. It’s a sick thing that’s going on in this country. I can’t believe that I’m actually ahead of the curve and able to sit back and observe it. All my life I’ve been the pink elephant in the middle of the room.

People are crazy that’s why their relationships are what they are. Either one or both riddled with contradictions and conflicts. America does not wanna bunch of people who are content and it doesn’t want to bunch of people who are free from anger – That’s my observation. People sitting around like the Walton’s listening to the radio and talking about each other’s days events don’t make any money for corporate America.. And people sitting around connecting in the living room is where a strong America starts calm and this is a threat to the powers above. People might actually start taking a look at what’s really going on in this country and get tired of it and decided to do something about it.

Most women enjoy a challenge -that’s too bad 🤷‍♂️

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