TWO THINGS I had discussed previously:
1) That infidelity causes so much trouble in our society there should be consequences for. Why isn’t there? And 20 some years later we see the movie shattered with Pierce Brosnan, Gerard Butler, Maria Bello.
2) Similarly, 20 some years ago I discussed I discussed how our our government does not want a citizenry filled with serene individuals. I quipped, imagine a army filled with non angry individuals. Now I run across this article on on the mindset of a soldier in America and how it must be changed if he is to become an effective war/killing machine! Problem is, this anger in our society carries over to all areas [Is this really the price we must/are willing to pay for having good soldiers?] Let me get that link:
Alcoholism and drug addiction are perhaps two of the supreme examples of how when when we veer away from God’s plan, we also veer away from the positive consequences associated with following that plan. We see how there is a correlation between man making his own way and the protections we have been afforded [in this country] in the past -slowly decaying! Protections other countries have not enjoyed so much.