Humans, we love this, we love that, we’re always looking for something to love.

Some people have to work hard to be jerks while others have to work hard to be kind.

Most people will agree that most people do not go around pretending to be unhappy. I think a lot of people will agree many people go around pretending to be happy. But are most people right? I any event if they are, that would mean there are a lot more unhappy people out there than what it appears to be. That would also mean that if you’re unhappy you’re not as much of minority issue my think you are, as people would have you believe you are. Sure they say that misery loves company. But beyond that, the notion that we do or don’t share share a certain experience with our fellow human beings all of human beings is extremely important. Whether intentionally or unintentional, making other people feel that they’re circumstance is an isolated one -is very bad for their mental health.

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