If people are not here for GOD [defiant, selfish creatures that we are] why would you think people are here for you. And let’s be clear HINT/CLUE: People quite often avail themselves to GOD when some crisis has brought them to their knees and they are desperately [or horny, or have some other sensual…] in need; but when things are honky-dory, bellies full, family is healthy… SO, WE OPERATE, IF WE SO CHOOSE, UNDER THE PREMISE THAT PEOPLE REALLY DON’T NEED US UNTIL THEY NEED US; WE OPERATE UNDER THIS PREMISE, IN SPITE OF THIS PAINFUL FACT, WE SEEK TO BE THERE FOR OTHERS. 🤷‍♂️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏾‍♂️

The numbers speak for themselves

Just look at the number of people: Where people tend to flock to and where they don’t tend to flock to. People flock towards celebrity and power and excitement. They flock towards beauty. People shy away from weakness and dullness and ugliness. That’s one thing you need to know about the human species. At least that’s the case in this arrogant society we call America. I saw a young girl on YouTube who had said you only need to know 2 things about a man. And it was the stupidest thing I’ve heard in a long time. “Their height begins with a 6 and their weight begins with a 2”. People in this country tend to shy away from things that build strength and character. That’s why so many of us are out of shape. Out of shape physically out of shape emotionally out of shape spiritually. Many times we don’t even think -we just let our feelings, our instincts push and pull us wherever they may. WHAT A LIFE!

Look for their next move: For those seeking power never rest for long; They are in a perpetratual state of restlessness!

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