Youth is one of the most valuable things on Earth along with health, kings would kill for it.
Issues are very seductive [we love them] and cunning [we’re in the right acting as such] and even shrouded/veiled [can’t see them though others can], how else would they:
•Exist year after year decade after decade;
•Exist year after year decade after decade even when we have become aware of them;
•Exist year after year decade after decade even after they causes considerable loss and sorrow…
•I have an even mentioned ego and fear
And remember 🤔, when something is propped up by multiple reinforcements -it’s all the more difficult to rid ourselves of them. I am having a hell of a time with certain issues, coping mechanisms… Unbecoming what I have become. The vast majority of my years in an environment that encourages change, I have mostly thumbed my nose upwith regard to most of my defects. And then to add insult to injury, one of my favorite justifications is that everyone else is doing it why shouldn’t I? It’s hard not to be a jerk when somebody’s being a jerk to you. I guess you have to be something of a jerk to begin with because not everyone finds it difficult not to be a jerk when someone’s a jerk to them. These few basic things make it so hard. Hell, I haven’t even included satan’s part -or a lack of willingness on my part to ask God for assistance in these matters.
There’s the anger that comes from what people have done to us unprovoked; And the anger that comes from us from the decisions we have made that have heard us And the anger that comes from us from the decisions we have made that have hurt us. Many times a [previously] traumatized person will carry both.