You know what to tell tale sign of immaturity is selfishness and self centeredness.. Many Americans are very immature. A-war breaks out half way around the world and we think it’s going to affect us. In fact we make sure it does by raising prices for the average citizen. A lot of people in this country think we should mind our own business and there’s probably some truth to that in certain instances. Paranoid American?

When you think about it, love has nothing to do with how someone looks. And yet so many men claim they love a beautiful woman, and would never have anything to do with an ugly woman. Would never love an ugly woman. Love has nothing to do with physical beauty nor the ego. How many people wouldn’t be caught dead with an ugly woman? It’s fairly common in other cultures but not in America. How many men are with women that are beautiful but don’t actually know the meaning of the word love? Men and then women being cut from the same cloth more or less, How many women in their youth start out looking for a very attractive man and find out that it’s best to find an average one. And, how many of those women actually love their not so attractive looking man? There are a lot of men out there that are married to not so nice women, and yet they stand by their side and protect and provide for them. Yet women seem to be more accepting of unattractiveness in their counterpart than men do. How many men claim to love their partner and yet go out and fool around on them? Can both exist in the true sense?

Look what we have done in these United States with this excessive freedom we have been granted. And as far as democracy goes – It seems we are a more divided country every year, every election.

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