.There is a balance in all things. Corporate America’s job is to try and get as much out of the public as they can. The government’s job I’d much yhe same with regard to it’s agenda. These of course are all based upon human nature, twisted human nature. Therefore, it is the job of the American public to keep these things in check because they’re not going to be done on their own. Just like your grandparents and great grandparents did many years ago. When a company stepped out of line they acted swiftly. When the government acted out of line they acted swiftly. First of all, of course you have to know what is and isn’t out of line. If you don’t -then that presents a problem in itself. If you do not do your part, if I do not do my part to regulate, then there is no regulation. I see too many things in this country changing, going towards the advantage of corporate America and government, without resistance.
About 5 or 6 years ago the Post Office tried to charge me $13 for having a package held. Now UPS is charging $7.99. Do you think all of this is being done for a good reason? Is that why you lay down and accept it? Remember we live in a capitalism society where money and lots of it is the name of the game. Not peace and good will towards your fellow man. One company tries something new, and the rest sit around watching like cows chewing their cut to see if it’s going to work. To see if the American public are going to swallow it. If they do then they follow suit. We’re dumb. When the Post Office tried charging us to hold the package we should have said no we’re not gonna tolerate that. How is it more expensive to you to hold a package than to load it up in a truck and have to deliver it and take the time and the effort and the space and the little truck versus the depot. Just the government trying to get more money. Sadly, we live in a society of money money money money talks. Apparently it talks more than its citizens.
As a matter of historical fact, man hates restraints. I suppose that’s one of the reasons he incorporates leaders, to bring order to things he himself is not capable of or willing. Knowing either himself or his fellow man or too well… Why else would we have leaders who created a s*** load of laws?? And then we go along with it. What happened to the restraints and the laws of God? Those don’t seem to matter anymore. The only ones that seem to matter anymore are the ones that are stepping stones to people gaining more and more control and power. I mean look at it, this country has got more laws on the books than any 2 countries combined. It’s got more restrictions against its supposedly free ciliterally free citizens than any two countries combined, or are we up to three now? Man is putting into place laws that benefit him not us. That’s just a by-product I believe, of a bigger agenda. Power begets [more] power.