If you have more issues than not with regard to how the world operates, that’s probably a good sign. If you don’t care much for existence on this planet that’s probably a good sign.

I can’t seem to learn learn or embrace the idea that that no matter what things time must go through while alive I’ve, there is an infinite reward awaiting me when I when I die that should should lesson be pain and disappointment endisappointment and sorrow.

In fact the people who have wealth, status, influence, these are often the poorest.

Remember those of you who are rich and throw a few pennies to the poor, the 1 with 10 pennies who gave 2 even though they were more than the one who had 2 and gave both, gave more. Try to remember that little truism. Thank you LORD for bringing it back to me as I had asked 🙏🏻

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