Not only are there many men in the world doing wrong who have yet to be punished by GOD [IN HIS INFINITE WISDOM AND LOVE FOR THEM]; in many instances they continue to receive blessings and good tidings [hoping-against-hope…]. So much for the “punishing-God-theory”.

Man would do everything one way, making his presence quite evident -along with his foolishness, his ignorance, his lack of foresight, his selfishness, and in some instances his evil. Apparently GOD in HIS infinite wisdom, finds it necessary at times -to allow good people to suffer and bad people thrive; this apparently is true wisdom! Knowing precisely what, where, when, and with regard to whom. Something man clearly has no clue about consistently. You have to know where the holes are, where the dots are, and where and when to connect them. And of course where and when to connect the dots you still can’t see. 🤷‍♂️


You have to prepare yourself for something in the best way to do so is to see it coming.

Life is a test. And like any test preparation is Paramount. Like for instance when I see something coming I can, I need, I need, to prepare myself to be more light hearted about it -because I know 🤔 my natural unprepared reaction will be seriousness and seriousness and defensivism.

If I can barely struggle to deal with the little things in life and what am I gon to do with the bigger things?. Of course there is the odd chap who comes along now-and-then who deals poorly with little things -and deals wonderfully with big things 🤔🤷‍♂️

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