Often times their appears a force at work, a force we cannot see or account for in any way except for -the ego!

Jesus Christ did not think the sovereign beatitude and glory of Heaven too dearly purchased at the price of unspeakable tortures, and by suffering His sacred flesh to be mangled by nails, thorns, and scourges. Great indeed must be the value of that which cost the Son of God so dear! And yet we esteem it so little, as to be even ready to renounce our claim to it, as, in fact, so many of us do, for the sake of some wretched pleasure or despicable interest! Ye blind and deluded children of men, contemplate the Wounds of your Crucified God, and see in what manner the gates of the kingdom of glory have been opened to you! See what it has cost Him to place you in possession of it, and understand, if possible, how infinite a benefit was bestowed upon you by the Son of God when He purchased for you Heaven, which you had lost by sin! … Enter in spirit into these sacred Wounds, and you will comprehend the value and sublimity of that eternal felicity which they have acquired for you, and you will learn to detach your heart from the earth and from creatures, so as to place all your affections and desires upon Heaven.” Boo day before Easter 2022

Other people’s actions don’t excuse mine.

If GOD is a punishing God then why are so many bad people running around on the Earth?

I asked the question the other day, why the echo in us created? It seems to cause more trouble? The answer is there has to be a mechanism for free will. There also has to be an accountability on our part for that mechanism. So one of our duties as human beings is to deceive the direction. Whether or not to harness… Harness is very powerful and very potentially volatile [GIFT OR CURSE? OUR CALL!].

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