When you don’t feel anything there’s something wrong. When you act out on your feelings or something wrong. When you feel something -it’s probably right. When you act on your feelings in a constructive manner -it’s probably right.

You think that because you’ve had mostly positive experiences with people that the human rthe human race is a wonderfully beautiful thing? Everybody has suffered at the hands of another human. Everyone at least once or twice in their life will be severely struck by the actions of another humam-being. Not only are all of us flawed, many of us are downright bad!

I can see why when people get older they seem to become more selfish and withdrawn, less thoughtful. Some people try this and and for whatever reason people do not reciprocate and they become fedup, weary, and Leary. For whatever reason other people try this and and they are met with remarkable reciprocation or reciprocality. I don’t know what it is that determines these things but they happen. The ones that don’t get reciprocated they get tired, bitter, and withdraw. I say we make a new rule like the one that says children are off limits from tragedy. The new rule is let the people who can handle not being reciprocated not have to deal with not being reciprocated -while the people who can handle it, let them be the ones that get reciprocated too so they don’t hang themselves or shoot themselves or end up in a mental ward. That’s the new rule. The h*** of who deserves or doesn’t deserve. Let it be the ones who can handle it and the ones who can’t handle it respectively.

With regards to one’s spiritual transformation, things like selfishness, pride, ego, behavior’s grounded in fear are generally the last to go.

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