1st we learned to accept ourselves with our own problems
Next week learn to work towards their correction
Next we learn to accept other people’s problems
And finally we’d become an example which will eventually helbut eventually helped them to also work towards the correction of their problems. And the ones that don’t we just do our best to accept just as Jesus did with us.
I don’t know if it’s good to bottle up things inside you, but I know there’s a lot of people out there that are glad when you or I do. I know my aunt is one of them.
It’s normal and healthy to talk about your problems to somebody else. But when you go on and on about it it’s a sign that there’s something. Many people like this haven’t figured out how to solve the problem. In my case what I wanted is to be loved, being heard as a sign of being loved. There’s just not enough of it in the world to go around. Going on and on about your problems, sounding like a victim I supposed, is a way for some of the more sensitive people in the world gone cold; it’s their way to saying I’m dying from lack of love -somebody please love me. There are a lot of people out there that aren’t so sensitive but they’re struggling with with the coldness of the world themselves whether they know it or not or whether they’re willing to admit it or not. But it hits the most sensitive people the hardest.