The way many people operate in their relationships is they put on their best face, the person falls in love with them, usually the woman, and then the real person comes out and many a woman sticks around suffering through it because they can’t get past their feelings. It seems to be the way men and women work. Manner for example not usually on par with what a woman truly is looking for, it’s looking for karma so a man has to get them to fall in love through a degree of deception exception, and then the man, the real side of the man can come out and the relationship can ensue from there. And often times they will drag out for years like this. And then you throw in a couple of kids during all of this.. This is basically the model for a lot of relationships in the world and in this country. It’s too bad
Try to imagine all the things you would do if you weren’t severely handicapped physically or mentally or emotionally. Now then, since you are not severely handicapped physically or mentally or emotionally, go out and do them [rather than taking for granted that you can].
Even God had to submit to some of man’s video syncrasies in order to be listened to. We want to be a part of humanity it seems we have to kind of go along with some things as well. Of course there’s A-line we don’t cross which means that there are certain people we are not going to be accepted by. And then there are a few people that simply accept us unconditionally if were lucky.
In order to have relationships in the world we have to be open. Now it can be very difficult based on our background experiences to go through life open. It’s one of the biggest challenges for some of us.