One way of controlling or determining your attitude is determining determining what are the most important things in life 2. Are they the things that continually disappoint you? The things that you have no control over?

Some people are exceptional in their ability to live in the moment and take it all in.

Giving and not getting much in return, or nothing at all, is not an easy proposition. Especially when you’re missing a few things yourself. It’s even more difficult when people don’t appreciate you as much as they should.

In my experience a lot of women tend to appreciate [love] the person who keeps the most [relatively] comfortable and safe. Heads up, just because a man can’t keep you relatively comfortable or safe doesn’t mean he doesn’t love you. And just because a man can, doesn’t necessarily mean he does [love you]. And I think a lot of people understand and are aware of this. Unfortunately with regard to(o) many people, when it comes down to love or comfort and safety -a lot of people choose comfort and safety willingly, grudgingly maybe. Survivalist! What’s even sadder is a lot of people choose grandiosity, excess over love. 🤔

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