People speak for many reasons, make sure you speak for the right one.
A tell-tale sign is when your family, If your family were no longer around, how big of a deal would it be? I mean how big of a difference in your life we didn’t make? How big of an impact do they currently have or have they had throughout your life? The answer in my case is that with very few exceptions it wouldn’t make much of a difference at all. My siblings wouldn’t make any difference at all. My parents wouldn’t make any difference at all because they’ve been gone for 30-40 years. My cousins wouldn’t make any difference at all because I never hear from them. My Uncle and his wife wouldn’t make any difference at all because I never hear from them. You get the point? My children I never hear from them.
As children we are often times molded by our families -for better or for worse. That’s why often times there is submission, subordination where there should not be. This is how tribes survive and stay United nighted through a sort of brain washing. Others survive because they actually get it right sometimes. But when the brain washing doesn’t take full effect and members rebel or stand up for what they believe is unfair or wrong, we’re off to the nut you see the family heads rit’s retaliate rather than admit to being wrong.
People don’t just seize opportunities these days they manufacture them at any cost in many cases. Seizing an opportunity often results in taking rather than giving in this case. When a person is seeking to manufacture an opportunity it puts a further burden on the system, the overall dynamic.